dilluns, 23 de novembre del 2009
Once when I was little - James Morrison
I was the one who would always jump in first / Jo era el que sempre solia saltar primer
I didn't think twice to look behind / No pensava dues vegades mirar enrere
Got such a good feeling just from playing in the dirt / Em sentia tan be tan sols jugant entre la porqueria
Once, when I was little / Una vegada, quan era petit
We could build a rocket, fly to the moon / Podiem construir un coet, volar fins la lluna
Leave Tuesday morning, and be back for noon / Marxàvem dimarts al matí i al migdia ja tornàvem
There wasn't nothing, nothing that we couldn't do / No hi havia res, res que no poguéssim fer
Once, when I was little / Una vegada, quan era petit
Once, when I was little / Una vegada, quan era petit
Yeah I could dream more then / Llavors podia somiar més
I could believed more then / podia creure més
That the world could only get better / que el món només podia millorar
I could be free more then / podia ser més lliure
I could pretend more then / podia fingir més
That this life could only show me good times / que aquesta vida només tindria bons moments
Once, when I was little / Una vegada, quan era petit
There was a time when I trusted everyone / Llavors jo confiava en tothom
There was no place I would not go / hauria anat a tot arreu
Spend all day on the hillside next to the barely mow / em pasava tot el dia a la muntanya envoltat per l'herba
Oh once, when I was little / Una vegada, quan era petit
Yeah once, when I, I was little / Una vegada, quan era petit
Yeah I could dream more then / Llavors podia somiar més
I could believed more then / podia creure més
That the world could only get better / que el món només podia millorar
I could be free more then / podia ser més lliure
I could pretend more then / podia fingir més
That this life could only show me good times / que aquesta vida només tindria bons moments
Once, when I was little / Una vegada, quan era petit
I used to feel so strong / Em sentia fort
Even when they tell me, tell me I was wrong / fins hi tot quan em deien que estava equivocat,
That I can't live in a magic world / que no puc viure en un món perfecte
Cause it's time for me to grow up / ja que és temps de fer-me gran
That I got to be like the rest of them / i he de ser igual que els altres
Well, I know things have been lost / de fet sé que s'ha perdut tot.
I could pretend more then / Llavors podia fingir més
and I could belive more then / i podia creure més
that the world could only get better/ que el món només podia millorar
Oh, I could belive more then, yes I could / Podia creure més llavors, itan que podia
And I could pretend more then / i podia fingir més
That this life could only show me good times / que aquesta vida només tindria bons moments
Once when I was little / Una vegada, quan era petit
So here comes the next one, next in line / I aquí ve una nova època
Stay as young as you can, for the longest time / Manten-te jove com puguis
Cause those days flew by / Perquè aquells dies se'n van anar
Like a breeze just passing through / com la brisa
Once, when I was littl / Una vegada, quan era petit
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