dilluns, 23 de novembre del 2009

Social Networks



We used an attractive power point focused on our topic in order to support our oral explanation. We wanted to break the ice in a different way so we decided to start the presentation with a dialogue related to the topic. I actually think that this was a great idea! However, the timing wasn't so good. The presentation should have lasted more and I ought to have spoken slowlier.
Body language&eye contact-9
I looked at the audience most of time except during the dialogue, when I stared on Clàudia. I almost didn't read from my notes and I did many gestures with my hands, but I think I should have done more. I was quite nervous and tense that I just said quickly what I had to and didn't think in the rest.
In my opinion the structure of the presenation was okay. Moreover, we did a dialogue as introduction to change the usual beggining. I used many discourse markers such as then, first, secondly...
I realize that the worst fault of our presentation is that we didn't introduce any new information. The audience already knew what we explained.
As for the language, I think that we used correct grammar and rich and varied vocabulary. We actually looked for some synonims. We also used lots of sentence connectors (e.g:moreover, what's more, also, nevertheless...). Furthermore, I used many fillers such as well.
From my point of view, my pronunciation was correct and completly comprhensible.I think I spoke in a fluid continuum.

So finally, if I were the teacher I would get an 8.3.

1 comentaris:

sguilana ha dit...

Highly accurate self-evaluation, Júlia. :)
I thoroughly agree with your observations and I am sure your next presentation will be even better than this one on social networks...
keep up the good work!