dimarts, 11 de maig del 2010

My English Competence in 2010

I have chosen the oral presentation of my research project as the best oral evidence, whereas my the last informal letter we did as the best written obviusness.
First of all, I have chosen the second presentation of this course because of many reasons. It was about the project I had been working on since last summer so I perfectly knew what was I saying. Moreover, I had already done the oral presentation of the research paper in English. Therefore, my pronounciation was very accurate and the nerves weren't present. On account of the specific topic it was about, it was full of technical words as well as linking words and a complex grammar.
Secondly, I think that my best written evidence is the informal letter about a doctor without borders because it's very-well adapted to what was asked for. I mean, it satisfies the structure, the vocabulary and the grammar demanded by an informal letter. For instance, I used a familiar greeting (hello mummy and daddy!), verbs which expressed my feelings, phrasal verbs and some typical expressions of this type of compositions such as 'see you son!' or 'love'.
All in all, I think that the result is totally visible when you really work on what you're doing.

dilluns, 10 de maig del 2010

My English progress from 2008-2010

No matter comparing my first written document and my last essay or my fist oral presentation and my final presentation, there is a big difference in every aspect.
If we first notice the email I sent to Gemma at the beginning of first of batxillerat, we realize that the grammar and the vocabulary are very poor. I used too many comas insted of starting a new sentence. For this reason I also used too many times the conjuction 'and' and the adverb 'then'. For instance, the last phrase before saying goodbye starts with 'And', which is something I definietly wouldn't do now in a composition. However, I think that the strucutre of the email was quite accurate. Taking now my last composition (Mind-body thrapies are a waste of time) into consideration, we notice I use a higher amount of connectors such as 'first of all', 'secondly', 'moreover' or 'in conclusion'. What's more, the vocabulary employed is more rich, with some synonims and without lots of repetitions.
Let's analyse now the oral presentations. Whether we notice, the language, the content or the body-language, it's obviously that I have improved. I don't feel the same with my fluency and pronounciation, though. I think I used to speak more fluent perhaps because of the fact that I had spent part of the summer in England. Unfortunately, that's one of those things which deteriorates if you don't practise constantly. On the other hand, in my last presentations I wasn't as nervous and insercure as I was last year. Moreover, the vocabulary and the grammar used is more complex.
Last but not least, in all these documents I can see a personal development. There is evidently a higher presence of maturity in my last compositions than in the firsts ones.

dissabte, 8 de maig del 2010

Mind-body therapies are a waste of time

It is a well-known fact that mind-body therapies are becoming more popular every day all around the world. In my opinion, this may be because they are not a waste of time but on the contrary, they are truly successful.
First of all, most of mind-body therapies make yourself feel good, relaxed and healthier, and that's never a waste of time. The hours you spend doing a mind-body therapy are totally worth since then you will work and live muck more calmly.

Secondly, it has been demonstrate by many studies that when you suffer from an illness these mind-body therapies help you feel better. They won't cure your disease, for that you'll have to go to the doctor, though will surely reduce your harm. Moreover, it's a way of having new experiences and meeting pople, which is always very comfortable.

In conslusion, I think that mind-body therapies are not a waste of time because the time it would take you not to feel stressed if you didn't practise them might be much more longer.

New study: sleeping consistently less than six hours can kill you

Researchers from the UK and Italy have filed a new study with new information about the link there is between the hours you sleep and the risk of dying prematurely. The academics saw that people who sleep consistently less than six hour per night are 12% more bound to a premature death. Nevertheless, sleeping more than nine hours is neither good for our health. Consequently, spleeping generally from six to eight hours per night might be optimal if you want to enjoy a long life.

This is a very interesting infromation, don't you think? Just by checking the hours you sleep per night you're lenghtening your life. It's truly helpful to know how many hours you should sleep for having a healthier life.
For instance, now we're in our last week of batxillerat and some of won't probably sleep eight hours owing to the huge amount of exams we have. I usually sleep between seven and eight hours per night. However, on an exams' week I may sleep less. So now that I know the medium period of time I should sleep, maybe I'll go to bed earlier in order to be more alert next morning.
On the other hand, I have to confess I normally sleep more than nine hours per night during the weekend. It's something I can't manage. Despite of promising myself I'll wake up early next morning so as to have time to study, then I get as late as usual. So I hope this study affects my concience!lool
Even so, the point is: will we continue sleeping the same hours as we did, or will we change our habits?

[Resource: short news]

dilluns, 3 de maig del 2010

if I had eyes - Jack Johnson

If I had eyes in the back of my head / Si tingues ulls al darrera
I would have told you that / t'hauria dit
You looked good / que estaves guapa
As I walked away /mentre marxava

If you could have tried to trust the hand that fed / Si haguessis pogut intentar confiar en la ma que t'alimentava
You would've never been hungry / mai hauries passat gana,
But you'll never really be / però de fet mai en passràs.

The more of this or less of this or is there any difference / més, o menys, o hi ha alguna diferència
or are we just holding onto the things we don't have anymore / o simplement ens aferrem a allò que ja no tenim

Sometimes time doesn't heal / A vegades el temps no cicatritza
No not at all / no, no del tot
Just stand still /tan sols quedar-se quiet
While we fall / mentre queiem
In or out of love again I doubt I'm gonna win you back / en l'amor o el desamor altre vegada, dubto si et tornare a aconseguir
When you got eyes like that / quan tens els ulls d'aquesta manera
It won't let me in / no em deixaran entar
Always looking out / sempre anant en compte.

Lots of people spend their time just floating / motla gent passa el temps simplement 'flotant'
We were victims together but lonely / Vam ser victimes junts pero solitaris
You got hungry eyes that just can't look forward / Els teus ulls tenen tanta gana que no pots mirar endavant
Can't give them enough but we just can't start over / No els puc donar prou però no podem començar de nou
Building with bent nails we're falling but holding, / Contruint amb claus curvats estem caient però aguantant
I don't wanna take up anymore of your time / no vull fer-te perdre el temps mai mes
Time time time / temps temps temps

Sometimes time doesn't heal / A vegades el temps no cicatritza
No not at all / no, no del tot
Just stand still /tan sols quedar-se quiet
While we fall / mentre queiem
In or out of love again I doubt I'm gonna win you back / en l'amor o el desamor altre vegada, dubto si et tornare a aconseguir
When you got eyes like that / quan tens els ulls d'aquesta manera
It won't let me in / no em deixaran entar
Always looking out / sempre anant en compte.

dijous, 22 d’abril del 2010


The fact of finishing 2nd of batxillerat don't mean just leaving the high school but lots of things: chosing a degree, moving to another city, meeting new people... starting a new way of life.
At last I have decided to study Industrial Engineering at the UPC (universitat politècnica de catalunya). It is a varied degree where you do a little bit of everything and it has infinite professional opportunities. This might have been some of the characteristics that have finally convinced me. Everybody told me: "if you are not so sure it's better to study Industrial Engineering 'cause it's the most general one and then you can specialize in many things.
On the other hand there is the factor of living. In spite of not knowing anyone, I'm decided to go to a residence at least for the first year. I haven't chosen one yet, though. I have to confess that I'm quite afraid even though beeing determined.
Anyway, I'm sure this new way of life is going to be very postive. I already know I'll have to study a lot, but I'll try to have fun as well (I'm sure I will!loool).

dilluns, 19 d’abril del 2010

Emergency talks on air chaos

As the impact of the volcano Eyjafjallajoekull destructed flights in major Europe for fifth days, European transport ministers are looking for ways to bring stranded travellers back to their countries. For instance, the British Prime Minister Grodon Brown has displaced three Royal Navy ships to begin the rescue.
One of the proposals in discussion is using Spain as a gate hub into Europe. Mr Brown says the only way for thousands of people who need to get home from America and from Asia through by plane is to get to Spain and then use other forms to travel to Britain.

In my opinion, in this type of situations, is when the politicians have to show their skills. They have to make us think they're doing their best and feeling the solution is close. If now they get to work out all this air traffic chaos succesfully, people might think they'll be capable of resolving common problems. On the contrary, if the governments don't achieve to take everyone to his/her destination, people may refuse to think they'll do something positive. I think most of people is guided by this stuff. The problem is that this situation do not depends on the governments but to the nature. And this is what most people don't understand. They just want to arrive were they wanted though not thinking they could die on the way because of the ash.

[Resource: BBC News (video)]

dimecres, 14 d’abril del 2010

NZ man at strip club 'leaves baby in car'

A man left his one-year-old baby in a car while he was in a striptease club in Wellington (New Zeland). After seeing the unattended baby in the car, a passer-by took some action to make it save by alerting the police. The father was located in the club then arrested, and the baby was taken to the hospital by the police officers. Now the Child, Youth and Family agency has the custody of the baby for five days as long as they get in contact with the baby's family and decide on his future.

After reading this news, a question comes to my mind: how can there be such irresponsible people? I just can't understand how someone can leave his baby in the car then go calmly to a strip club. He was ONE-year-old!! What was his father thinking of? Something horrible could have happened. Luckily, someone who was passing-by saw the baby and cleverly, noticed the police about the situation. This man couldn't have done a better thing. This way the baby will surely be looked after by a much more competent person than his father. I hope he never have his custody again after what he did.

[Resource: Telegraph]

dilluns, 12 d’abril del 2010

Scientists discover 20 kidney disease genes

Researchers announced the identification of the genetic part (20 genes) of Chronic Kidney Disease. This discovery might help to the cause of kidney diseases and even overturn kidney disease treatments. It has been a great breakthrough, though Dr. Jim Wilson affirms more research need to be funded.

This is such a wonderful news, don't you think? This new discovery is just the first step forward in finding a cure for the disease. Nowadays the biotechnology is said to be the great power of the future, and here is the answer. Maybe now this 20 genes doesn't mean anything, they are just the beggining of a new discovery, though. Perhaps this 20 genes can't do anything to prevent the disease, but I'm sure they will be suitable for other things such as finding a better treatment. In conclusion, I think we have to celebrate this type of discoveries because they all will make our lifes better.

[Resourece: sort news]

diumenge, 11 d’abril del 2010

London report

divendres, 9 d’abril del 2010

Informal letter

Hello mummy and daddy!

It's been two weeks since I left and I have many things to tell you!
I'm sure you cannot imagine what life here is like... everything is totally different. I work everyday from 9am to 5pm. During all these days I've been able to know many people and the extrem poverty they live in. However, I really enjoy helping all those families and ill people. I trully feel myself useful.
Sometimes we go round the villages and give them some medicines. That's when I realize how poor life is here though the smile in their faces is so satisfactory.
As for me, I've met so many great people from the organisation. In fact, we are thinking of setting off together to R.D Congo as we have five days off!
Hope everything is fine at home, see you soon!


Blair Waldorf

dimecres, 7 d’abril del 2010

My plan - The Sunday Drivers

My plan is not to love you, / El meu pla no és estimar-te,
i've got better things to do. / tinc coses millors a fer.
My plan is just to do you. / El meu pla és tan sols donar-te
What you deserve to be done. / el que et mereixes.

All of my reflections / totes les meves refleccions
on our matter sound to you / sobre el nostre problema et sonen
like the initiation of new matters, / com l'inici de nous problemes,
is that true? / és veritat?

What do I have to do to be like you? / Què he de fer per ser com tu?

You can use the grammar, / Pots utilitzar la gramàtica,
is that the furthest you can go? / és això el més lluny que pots anar?
I can use unpleasant very nice words like you do. /Puc utilitzar boniques paraules desagradables com fas tu.

What do I have to do to be like you? / Què he de fer per ser com tu?
what do I have to do to be so cool? / Què he de fer per ser tan 'guai'?

My plan is not to love you, / El meu pla no és estimar-te,
i've got better things to do. / tinc coses millors a fer.
My plan is just to do you. / El meu pla és tan sols donar-te
What you deserve to be done. / el que et mereixes.

What do I have to do to be like you? / Què he de fer per ser com tu?
What do I have to do to be like you? / Què he de fer per ser com tu?
what do I have to do to be so cool? / Què he de fer per ser tan 'guai'?

I'm feeling like a bird that cannot fly/ Em sento com un ocell que no pot volar
I'm feeling like a bird that cannot fly/ Em sento com un ocell que no pot volar

My my my my plan is not to love you / El meu pla no és estimar-te,
I've got got got got better things to do you / tinc coses millors a fer.

dilluns, 29 de març del 2010

Apple iPad sells 300,000 on debut

On its launch day in the US, Apple says they sold more than 300,000 of its latest product. The iPad will be available in other countries such as Canada, Australia and some parts of Europe (european prices have not been anounced yet) by the end of April. The first genration model of the product has wi-fi though not 3G connectivity. According to Apple iPad users downloaded more than 250.000 e-books and more than one million applications from its store. On the other hand, taking reports into considerations, queues for the new iPad were quite smaller than the crowds which accumulated for the iPhone's lauch day.

As Steve Jobs said, is iPad going to be a game changer?
The iPad is not a laptop or computer neither a mobile phone. It's just something different. So this is probbably the reason why it is having such a demand.
In my opinion it is going to be a game changer in the way that it is another way to be connected to the net whenever you want. It's not like a laptop which you have to turn on and turn off. The iPad is a new abbility to be always connected. Moreover, its dimensions make it perfect to bring it with you wherever.
Nevertheless, I think it's not going to have such an impact as the iPhone had. From my point of view, people who already bought an iPhone won't be likely to buy an iPad.
[Resource: BBC News]

divendres, 5 de març del 2010

New York jets 'directed by a child'

The US officers are looking into how a child was able to direct planes at one of the countrie's busiest airport (New York's JFK). They caught the boy, who was apparently with his father (certified air traffic controller), directing several pilots preparing for take-off by an audiotape (you can listen to it at the bbc webpage). The incident took place on 17 February, when many pupils were on a week-long break. The air traffic controller got the sack and The National Air Traffic Controllers Assosiation said this incident was not indicative of the highest professionals they have.

I cannot understand how that little boy was able to do that. I think it was a terrrible mistake from the father to let him do it. Beeing an air traffic controller is so serious because the life of a huge amount of people depends on you. What would have happened if the kid had said something wrong? I really do not want to imagine! I suppose that man didn't realize how igriveous was that situation. I agree about his dismissal, that behaviour is not acceptable! On the other hand, I guess they were not the only ones there so someone else could have stopped it, though as the audiotape proves, nobody did. All in all, it was just luckily hilarious.

[Resource: BBC, 3 March 2010]

dimecres, 3 de març del 2010

Roger Federer

As you know, I practise tennis. Everyone who practises a spor thas usually a favourite player, and I have to confess that mine is Roger Federer.
Last week it was announced that Roger would has to pull out of the Dubai Championship, which started today, because of a lung infection. He is expected to be out of action for two weeks. If everything goes well, he will return to the courts at Indian Wells in March. Apart from the Dubai's Championship, he won't be able to play the Davis Cup against Spain neither. Everybody was expecting this cup because there would probbably be a match between Roger and Rafa Nadal. However, Rafa won't be able to play it neither because of an injury.
As I said in the beggining, I am a fan of Federer. And what do this involve? This entails that I hate Nadal. I think he's such a proud man, not hansome and show-off. Moreover, he's a suporter of Real Madrid! In my opinion, his game is not as smart as Federer's. I love the elegance of Roger's game.
So, when we go to the Godo's trophy in Barcelona with the tennis club we split up in two groups: the ones who are fans of Rafa and the ones who are not. Then, when we are on the court watching the match ones shout "vamos rafa!" and the others ones (me!) cheer up the other player.

description: Mrs Bennet


diumenge, 28 de febrer del 2010

Don't tell me that it's over - Amy Macdonald

Tell me why this world is a mess
/ Explica'm perquè aquest món és un desastre
I thought you always tried your best / Pensava que tu sempre intentaves fer el millor
Tell me what I’m ought to do / Diga'm què he de fer
Maybe you should do it too / Potser tu també ho has de fer

Tell me why they’re sleeping alone / Explica'm perquè estan dormint sols
No house no where to call a home / Cap casa cap lloc per trucar alguna casa
Tell me what I’m meant to see / Diga'm què he de veure
Won’t you stop preaching at me / No parars de 'donarme la tabarra'

And I wanna see what it’s all about / Vull veure de què va tot
And I wanna live, wanna give something back / i vull viure, vull tornar alguna cosa
Don’t tell me that it’s over / No em diguis que s'ha acabat
It’s only just begun / Tot just acaba de começar
Don’t tell me that it’s over / No em diguis que s'ha acabat
Or that this song is sung / o que aquesta cançó ja ha sigut cantada
The song is sung / la cançó ja ha sigut cantada

All the money in the world / Tots els diners del món
Would never slit all the wrongs to right / mai farien que el que és dolent fos bo
All the fire in the world / Tot el foc que hi ha al món
Would never set my heart alive / mai posaria el meu cor en vida

I dream of a day when it’s all gone away / Somio amb el dia que tot ha marxat
And the sun is shining bright / i el sol brilla amb molta força
I dream of a day when it’s all gone away / somio amb el dia que tot ha marxat
But dreams are for night / però els somnis són per la nit

And I wanna see what it’s all about / Vull veure de què va tot
And I wanna live, wanna give something back / i vull viure, vull tornar alguna cosa
Don’t tell me that it’s over / No em diguis que s'ha acabat
It’s only just begun / Tot just acaba de começar
Don’t tell me that it’s over / No em diguis que s'ha acabat
Or that this song is sung / o que aquesta cançó ja ha sigut cantada
The song is sung / la cançó ja ha sigut cantada

Don’t tell that it’s over / No em diguis que s'ha acabat
Please I’m on my knees I’m beggin you to stop / sisplau, m'estic agenollant pregan-te que paris
It’s over please I’m on my knees I’m beggin you to stop / s'ha acabat sisplau, m'estic agenollant pregan-te que paris

And I wanna see what it’s all about / Vull veure de què va tot
And I wanna live, wanna give something back / i vull viure, vull tornar alguna cosa
Don’t tell me that it’s over / No em diguis que s'ha acabat
It’s only just begun / Tot just acaba de começar
Don’t tell me that it’s over / No em diguis que s'ha acabat
Or that this song is sung / o que aquesta cançó ja ha sigut cantada
The song is sung / la cançó ja ha sigut cantada

dilluns, 15 de febrer del 2010

Haiti charity single top UK charts

Stars such as Leona Lewis, Kylie Minogue, Robbie Williams or Take That covered the REM's Everybody Hurts in order to help Haiti's earthquake victims. Organised by Simon Cowell, 453000 copies has already been sold notching up the biggest first week sales. Proceeds will be divided between the Disasters Emergenvy Comitee and The Sun newspaper's Helping haiti Campaign.
In my opinion it's so nice from the singers who collaborated recording the hit and the thousands of persons who have bought it. Everybody would like to be helped if such a horrible tragedy as the Haiti's earthquake happened to him so we have to now that happened to them. In fact, many fact have been hols so as to recollect money for Haiti. I think that this one concretly is a fantastic way of recollecting money for reconstructing the country and treating the injured persons. Lots of people died so now it is about to take care of the ones who survived.

[Resource: BBC news, 14 February 2010]

diumenge, 14 de febrer del 2010

Undergraduate Math Problems




I used a power point as a resource which was focused on the topic and actually supported my oral presentation, especially when I explained the problems. The timing was fine, between 5 and 10 minutes.
Body language&eye contact-8

Although I looked at the audience most of the time, I think I looked too much to the screen. I suppose it's because you feel more secure as some clues are writen in the power point. I didn't even have my notes so I didn't read from them. As for the gestures, I did lots with my hands, I can't avoid it!lol

I did a little introduction explaining the objectives and the structure of the project for them to know what it was about and not to lose during the presentation. I actually used many discourse maekers such as
firstl of all, secondly, at last, then, finally... I think that my conclusions were clear. Content-40
Obvioulsy, the information I introduced to the audience was new, detailed and extensive. I think that the overall message was clear.

In my opinion the grammar was correct and the vocabulary was quite rich and varied. I looked for synonims, technical words and topic-related expressions. I used many connectors (moreover, also, furthermore, nevertheless, despite of, yet....) and some fillers (well, so, right, I mean...) Pronunciation&Intonation-8
I think that my pronunciation was comprehensible and my tone of voice was fine. Maybe I ought to have spoken more fluidly.

So finally if I were the tacher I would get a

dimarts, 9 de febrer del 2010

formal letter

Muntaner avenue, 29
Barcelona, SPAIN
Abbey road, 18
London, UK

15th of January of 2010

Dear Mr Clooney,
I am writing to you so as to express my point of view related to the global warming and suggest some things I wolud do to preserve our planet.
Firstly, I would like my children to inherit a healthy planet where I was s
ure they could enjoy their lives without any worry. So I wonder, what should we do to stop the climate change and its consequences?
Let me say that, in my opinion, one of the most importants facts is that all the politicians reach an agreement about this serious topic. Those climate summits are not worth if you do not any decision but discuss.

I think that recycling should be compulsory, and all the objects which send toxical emissions to the air ought to be forbidden.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Lily Humphry

dilluns, 1 de febrer del 2010

Gossip Girl

Gossip Girl is an American drama series based on the exclusive life of some teenagers who live in the privileged New York City's Upper East Side, narrated by the yet unseen blogger "Gossip Girl".
I had heard some comments from my cousin saying it was a great series so when it was released in tv I started watching it and truly liked it. However, few chapters were broadcasted so I started watching them on the interent. I must confess I rapidly became addicted!lool They're now in the third season but the final chpaters will be released on march so I'll wait eagerly!
It shows how exclusive the life is in the Manhattan's Upper East Side. The plot is centred in some of the most powerful families of the city (the Van der Woodsens, the Basses, The Archibalds...) and some outsiders from Brooklyn (the Humphries).
In my opinion this is one of the best series I've ever seen. As the title says, there always many gossips which make characters go furious or, on the other hand, reconciliate. They are always going on brunches, posh parties, cotillions... It's like the perfect life we always dream at least once. I suppose this is the fact that makes me like it. They all always look perfect and fashion. I wish I ahd they're wardrobe!lool What's more, they live in New York, the city I wanted to go!!

This is the phrase with which all the chapters start (I know it by heart!!:D):
"Gossip Girl here, your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan's elite. And who am I? That's a secret I'll never tell, you know you love me, xoxo, Gossip Girl."

Here is one of the best scenes (last chapter - season 2):

dilluns, 11 de gener del 2010

New questions on body scanners

After the terrorist attempt to attack the flight from Amsterdam to Detroit it's been discussed the fact of including body scaners in the airports. Actually, they are already working in some airports from United States and they are plannig to introduce them in some european airpoirts.
They say it is for our security but, the big question is: are they breaking our intimacy?
The images produced by the TSA's new scanners don't leave much to the imagination. On the other hand, they are delivered to the airports without the capability to store, print or transmit images.
It's obvious that they can watch over in our security in a better way with these machines, but I think that the terrorists or those persons who traffic with drgus will continue doing it somehow.
What about our privacy? Actually, I think I woould feel strange, embarrased and intimidated if I had to pass on one of that body image scanners.

diumenge, 10 de gener del 2010

New Year Resolutions

Here are some resolutions I've made for this 2010, which I think it's gonna be a very important, stressing and exciting year. Actually, we are going to be eighteen and we will start a new life in the university.

- Get my driving license. I'm the first girl of my group of friends who will be eighteen (on the 29th of April!) so they're always telling me to get it as early as possible 'cause they want somebody to bring them!lool I promised them I'll get the theory on June, after the selectivitat, and then the practice on July!haha I'm really looking forward to get it 'cause this way I won't depend on my parents to get round.

- Choose the correct degree. I still don't know which degree to study at the university, and I'm afraid I choose the incorrect one. In fact, I'm truly indecidive and insecure. I've got some options in my mind but then everybody tell me different things that I get confused.

- Be happy, healthy, love and be loved. This is the typical resolution that everybody makes himself, isn't it? Well, I'm sure this is gonna be a great year. I just wish to take thing easy and don't worry for stupid things. I want to forget things from the past that don't care anymore.

dijous, 7 de gener del 2010

National Geographic best picture

Of all the photos from the Natinal Geogrphic's International Photography Conest of 2009 I've chosen this one. It is a train that travels to different areas of Shangai (China) oncoming in the tunnel's changing light show.
And you may ask, why have I chosen this photo instead of another of the 25? Well, I think it's an impressive photo that shows the world we live in, or actually, our future. It shows the huge development in technology of the last decade. Looking at this photo I feel we can reach lots of things.
On the other hand, this picture makes evident that China is becoming an influential and powerful country. It's clearly obvious that our country is less advanced than China and lots of other countries.

It's just looking at the photo and an electric feeling arise in me.

[Resource: National Geographic's International Photography Contest 2009, picture 6]