I had gone to another one three years agoin Girona. However, I think that this one was better because we went all together, quite the opposite of the other one where I had gone just with Laura and Clàudia.
Cèlia, Laura and Clàudia went there in the morning for the queue. Me and Nuri didn’t, apart of because we didn’t want to spend too many hours under the sun with nothing to do, because my parents didn’t let me to go that early.
So, my parents brought Nuri and me there at seven o’clock and we saw that there was a huge queue, and the concert was at 10! But, lucky us, we saw Lauar, Clàudia and Cèlia and went with them. It was not easy, though, because there were lots of people and we were really narrow.
We had to spend three ours there standing how we could, and people was pushing all the time, it was horrible! They finally let us to entry and everybody started to run to get the best place. I have to say that we got it, Laura was touching the hoardings! And I was behind her more or less.
There was a countdown in a big screen and the guitar started to play. We were all shouting. We had them really near and the singer, Dani Martin, touched Laura’s hand, she was hysterical. The concert continued during two hours and we didn’t stop to sing, whistle and scream during the whole concert. I lost my voice!
At the end of it Nuri and I bought a poster of them, and then Laura’s father picked us up home.
It was fantastic!
El canto del loco-Eres tonto