dissabte, 28 de novembre del 2009

Brad and Angelina are $7 million givers

In 2008 Angelina Jolie, 34, and Brad Pitt, 45, gave $6.8 million to charities. That was the amount given to various groups through the philanthropically minded couple's Jolie-Pitt Foundation, which donated about half of the $13 million it raised last year to nonprofits like Global Health, Human Rights Watch, the Armed Services YMCA, and Pitt's own Make It Right Foundation, dedicated to rebuilding New Orleans. Another $1 million went to various causes in Cambodia, home country for their son Madox.

In my opinion, it's a nice thing that people like Brad Pitt and Angleina Jolie who win a huge amount of money give at least a part to people who need it more than them. I actually think it's not fair there're persons who win stratospheric amounts of money while there are people dying every day of hungry. Moreover, some of these persons don't work so hard to deserve those quantities of dollars. So from my point of view, all these rich people should give some money for charities, investigation,...whatever. It doesn't mind if it's just $100 or $100000 the important thing is to collaborate a little bit.

CNN, November 25

Are paper books dead?

Nowadays everything is beeing converted to digita. Even convetcional phtography has been removed by the digital cameras. It has also reached the paper books converting them into e-books, so traditional books will probably disapear.
I would say that, e-books are the future and the paper books will just be something to remember from the past.
By using these types of books there won't be as much as deforestation as there is today because of not needing paper.
Furthermore, books will be cheaper and easier to release. They're not so big and heavy that you can bring them with you anywhere and you can have more than one in the same kindle.
To sum up, I think that paper books will be dead in a few years and we cannot stop it.


Hi Sonia!
You asked us to write you about our dreams and our plans for the future so that's what I'll try to tell you. Well, as you know now I'm studying second of scientific-technologic batxillerat because I'd like to study a degree in the university. However, I still don't know what I'm going to study in a year. I doubt between many degrees such as architecture, industrial engineering or chemical engineering but I don't get to choose one!lol I suppose I'll do it all over this year dependig on the subjects I like the most. Despite of those doubts, what I know for sure is that, whatever degree I study, I'll do it in Barcelona. I love this city! I'd like to go to a residence for one or two years and then move to a flat. Another thing I'd like to do in the future is go to study abroad in an english-speaking country if possible. I do like english and I think that this is one of the bests way to improve it at the same time you have fun.
Well, those are some of my plans for the nexts years, I hope it's enough:)
see you!

dimarts, 24 de novembre del 2009


1. What are human rights?
Human right are basic rights and freedoms to which all humans are entitled.

2. When did human rights start?

They started the 10th of December of 1948.

3. Why were they created?
They were created because during the Second Worl War lots of people died and most of them were treated as not beeing persons. So the United Nations created them in order to sinish with this kind of violence to people.

4. How many human rights are there?
There are 30 human rights.

5. Which human right were you not familiar with?
I wasn't familiar with the article 15:
(1) Everyone has the right to a nationality.
(2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality.

6. Choose one human right and discuss:


No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.

- Is it fully respected in your country today? Justify with news, comments, studies on the subject (cite the links of your information sources).
This human right is actually not respected at all in our country 'cause there're still many kidnappings. We can see it many days in the news:
On the other hand, most of detentions are previously determined by a judge or the police. Moreover, disccovered kidnappers are definitly jailed.

- Do you know if it has been respected in the past? Why or why not? Thi human right was not respected in the pass. There were many people who had to exile to other countries because they where persecuted. In the whole history and still nowadays there's been many people who have arrested agaist their whishes and treated as inferiors.

-Where in the world is this right not complied with? In most underdeveloped coutries this human rright is to complied.

7. Are Humans rights
relevant in the world today? why?
do think that human rights are relevant in the world today, especially in the deveploped countries such as Europe and North America. They're actually creating new laws in favour to the human rights.

dilluns, 23 de novembre del 2009

Once when I was little - James Morrison

I was the one who would always jump in first
/ Jo era el que sempre solia saltar primer
I didn't think twice to look behind / No pensava dues vegades mirar enrere
Got such a good feeling just from playing in the dirt / Em sentia tan be tan sols jugant entre la porqueria
Once, when I was little / Una vegada, quan era petit

We could build a rocket, fly to the moon / Podiem construir un coet, volar fins la lluna
Leave Tuesday morning, and be back for noon / Marxàvem dimarts al matí i al migdia ja tornàvem
There wasn't nothing, nothing that we couldn't do / No hi havia res, res que no poguéssim fer
Once, when I was little / Una vegada, quan era petit
Once, when I was little / Una vegada, quan era petit

Yeah I could dream more then / Llavors podia somiar més
I could believed more then / podia creure més
That the world could only get better / que el món només podia millorar
I could be free more then / podia ser més lliure
I could pretend more then / podia fingir més
That this life could only show me good times / que aquesta vida només tindria bons moments
Once, when I was little / Una vegada, quan era petit

There was a time when I trusted everyone / Llavors jo confiava en tothom
There was no place I would not go / hauria anat a tot arreu
Spend all day on the hillside next to the barely mow / em pasava tot el dia a la muntanya envoltat per l'herba
Oh once, when I was little / Una vegada, quan era petit
Yeah once, when I, I was little / Una vegada, quan era petit

Yeah I could dream more then / Llavors podia somiar més
I could believed more then / podia creure més
That the world could only get better / que el món només podia millorar
I could be free more then / podia ser més lliure
I could pretend more then / podia fingir més
That this life could only show me good times / que aquesta vida només tindria bons moments
Once, when I was little / Una vegada, quan era petit

I used to feel so strong / Em sentia fort
Even when they tell me, tell me I was wrong / fins hi tot quan em deien que estava equivocat,
That I can't live in a magic world / que no puc viure en un món perfecte
Cause it's time for me to grow up
/ ja que és temps de fer-me gran
That I got to be like the rest of them / i he de ser igual que els altres
Well, I know things have been lost / de fet sé que s'ha perdut tot.

I could pretend more then / Llavors podia fingir més
and I could belive more then / i podia creure més
that the world could only get better/ que el món només podia millorar

Oh, I could belive more then, yes I could / Podia creure més llavors, itan que podia
And I could pretend more then / i podia fingir més
That this life could only show me good times / que aquesta vida només tindria bons moments
Once when I was little / Una vegada, quan era petit

So here comes the next one, next in line / I aquí ve una nova època
Stay as young as you can, for the longest time / Manten-te jove com puguis
Cause those days flew by / Perquè aquells dies se'n van anar
Like a breeze just passing through / com la brisa
Once, when I was littl / Una vegada, quan era petit

Social Networks



We used an attractive power point focused on our topic in order to support our oral explanation. We wanted to break the ice in a different way so we decided to start the presentation with a dialogue related to the topic. I actually think that this was a great idea! However, the timing wasn't so good. The presentation should have lasted more and I ought to have spoken slowlier.
Body language&eye contact-9
I looked at the audience most of time except during the dialogue, when I stared on Clàudia. I almost didn't read from my notes and I did many gestures with my hands, but I think I should have done more. I was quite nervous and tense that I just said quickly what I had to and didn't think in the rest.
In my opinion the structure of the presenation was okay. Moreover, we did a dialogue as introduction to change the usual beggining. I used many discourse markers such as then, first, secondly...
I realize that the worst fault of our presentation is that we didn't introduce any new information. The audience already knew what we explained.
As for the language, I think that we used correct grammar and rich and varied vocabulary. We actually looked for some synonims. We also used lots of sentence connectors (e.g:moreover, what's more, also, nevertheless...). Furthermore, I used many fillers such as well.
From my point of view, my pronunciation was correct and completly comprhensible.I think I spoke in a fluid continuum.

So finally, if I were the teacher I would get an 8.3.

Twilight review

This romantic-fantasy film was released in 2008 and it was one of the films which grossed more money. It is a wondeful story of a girl called Bella and a vampire called Edward. This is actually the first part of three movies.
Bella moves to live with his father in Folks (Washington state) were she used to spend a month each summer. There she meets nice people in the high school and she's intrigued by the misterious Cullen's family. She sits next to Edward cullen in biology class and he seems to be disgusted by her. One day she is nearly to strucked by a van but Edward runs toward her and stops the van with his hand. Then Bella starts wondering many things about him and finds out that he is a vampire although he only consumes animal blood. From this time on, they start beeing really good friends and they finally fall in love. Edward introduces Bella to his vampire family and one day they go to play a baseball match. In the meantime, there have appeared two dead people who seems to be killed by an animal. (we saw until here)
I really liked this film. It's interesting the fact that a normal girl goes out with a vampire and they maintain such a good relationship. On the other hand you feel intrigued by the deaths around the town and that keeps you interested in it.
I didn't like the soundtrack. I think it was so simple and they could have included much more better songs in such a film.
Finally, I definetly recommend you to go and watch it 'cause it's fantastic and i'm sure you'll pass a great time.
Star Rating: ***worth seeing, brilliant.

diumenge, 15 de novembre del 2009

Why is Friday the 13th unlucky?

Friday the 13th has traditionally been when the superstitious take extra care and double check everything they do. They also consider unlucky to open an umbrella indoors or walk under a ladder.
Are you superstitious?

I'm definetly not superstitious. Actually, I think that everything is up to your mind. If you think that Friday the 13th in going to be an unlucky day, it will. On the other hand, if you don't know it's Friday the 13th it will just be an ordinary day as any other. Something unlucky can happen to you every day. Haven't something unlucky happened to you and it wasn't Friday the 13th?
From my point of view it's all phsycological. You just have to order your mind and think positively. Then everything will go as it has to whether it's Friday the 13th or have passed under a ladder.

bbc news, november 15

diumenge, 1 de novembre del 2009

More plastic surgery for Gwyneth Paltrow?

In the past, Gwyneth was likely to have had a job nose and a breast augmentation in order to enhace her career. Now 37, there are many suspicions she has had rejuvenation procedures, such as facelift combined with injectables.
Some surgeons said that she is a beautiful woman blessed with great genes so that it was not the result of a facelift. They suggested she probably had injected some Botox around her face to make it appear smooth. Nevertheless, there was a surgeon who said that she looked altered, tighter than before, so it indicated a facelifht and injection.

In my opinion, we might not be that obssesed by plastic surgery. Why can't somebody remain beautiful in his/her forty's? We should accept ourselves as they are 'cause it's just natural to become older and have wrinkles.
On the other hand, there can be people who remain young and seem to have had plastic surgery but the haven't. This is just beeing lucky, but you have to accept yourself anyway.
The aim of plastic surgery is just making money, so they'll always find any defect on you 'cause they just want to earn a great amount of money.

makemeheal, November 6

dimarts, 29 de setembre del 2009

Music player noise limit planned

The European Comission is planning to set a maximum noise default on new portable music players after a research claimed that one of ten users could suffer permanent hearing loss.

In my opinion this is such a good restraint ,cause there,s many peolple who don-t know about the harm they are suffering because of the excesive volume on their music players.
Despite of being voluntary among the manufacturers, I think it should be compulsory. They might have taken this measure from the begining of the music portable players, knowing this would happen in the future.
From my point of view, the time you listen to it should also be restricted. In other words, the mp3 ought to be automaticly switched off when exceeded the limit time exposure.

dilluns, 28 de setembre del 2009


dimarts, 22 de setembre del 2009

Global premieres for Jackson film.

I'm not really a Michael Jackson fan, but since he was death we've heard of him quite many days on the news and there's been great polemic on the way he died.

Michael Jackson's film This Is It is going to have simultaneous premieres in more than 15 cities around the world. In my opinion, that they just do it for marketing.
This way it will probably appear on the news or the press so people we'll know about the premiere and they'll be more exciting 'cause it'll also be taking place in other fifteen cities.
Nevertheless, not all the premiers will take place at the same time. In total, more than 25 cities will host the premiere of the film. So, why some cities will host the premiere at the same time and some not? I think that they should do it at the same time in all the cities, or at least at the same day.
Finally, I disagree with the fact that the movie will only be on the cinemas for two weeks, I don't understand it! Common films are usually in the cinemas for more than two weeks.

dilluns, 18 de maig del 2009

1st of Batxillerat

Well today, as this is my last post and the course is almost finished, I'm going to talk to you about this first of Batxillerat. In my opinion, this has been a course of changes.
First of all, we finished and left apart the obligatory education and we started the voluntary education. So we're doing it because we want, and it's very different.
We had to decide either to do science, technology, humanistics or business, which was a difficult choice for some of us. Consequently, we splited away in two classes depending on the batxillerat we chose. This is one of the things I don't like 'cause my relationship with the other class' members such as Nuri or Laura has become poor. We're just in touch during the break time and not even this half an hour when some of us have an exam. On the other hand, my relationship with Claudia is stronger now after being together the whole day for nearly a year.
Nevertheless, Susi told us that we might be in the same class next year 'cause we won't be enough students to separate in two different classes. Personally, I think it would be great being all together again. It's true that maybe we would be quite a lot of people in the shared subjects, I don't mind it, though.
For the people who still thinks that Batxillerat is the same as ESO I can now assu
re them NO, IT ISN'T! We have noticed that Batxillerat is more serious and there is quite a lot of more homework including the blog and the portfolio. You have to waste more hours doing the homework, projects, studying... and you have to be concient of it if you want to pass.
We haven't done many excursions this year, we just went to the university on February. So I hope we go to London next year or somewhere else for at least for four days.
Well, that's all I can tell you, it's time to study hard now!


dijous, 14 de maig del 2009

Research Project.

Well, I think it's time to talk about the research project. I'm doing it about Undergraduate Math Problems, it was so difficult for me to choose the topic, though.
I had never known what to do it about, even the subject it'd be related to. I just knew I wouldn't do it about biology.
One of the ideas that first came to my mind was to do something related to architecture 'cause I do like this field. However, I wasn't so convinced 'cause I didn't know what to do exactly. Furthermore, I was scared I'm not taking technical drawing so I finally decided not to do it about architecture.
Some weeks before Easter, our tutor gave us a list with the teacher's proposals. However, any of those proposals convinced me at all. At that time, I thought on doing it in relation to Chemistry. I asked our Chemistry teacher if she had any idea out of the list ones and she told me to do it about Vitamin C. I had doubts about it, though.
It was the day before telling the tutor our finally choice when I still didn't know mine. I though " Júlia, it has to be something you really like 'cause you'll spend lots of hours doing it'. So I started to think about things I'd like to deal with. The inspiration finally came to my mind: Geometric Elements in the Contemporary Architecture.
The next day I told Montse about my idea and she said it was good. I spite of what she firstly told me, some days later she told me they didn't see it so clear. So I finally decided not to carry out this topic.
I didn't have much time left, so I revised the teacher's list again. There was one on the Mathematics part I always though that could be interesting. There said something about the Mathematical Olypics and Montse told me the my tutor would be Miquel Angel. I finally decided to choose this topic and yes, it was my last choice!hahah
One day I went to talk to him about a grant and he told me his intention was me to do the project in English. I had even thought about it but he spured me on so I agreed.
I went to talk to him some weeks ago and he told me I could search some things if I wanted although we would start after having finished the exams.

dissabte, 2 de maig del 2009


I'm seventen right now, so I'm a year older than the age which people is legally able to work.
This means that I was already able to work last summer, but I didn't work properly. I was the only one of my friends who was sixteen, so the only one who could work. What's more, I finally got a grant for two weeks in England in July and my parents had planned to go to Viena and Budapest for ten days in August. So looking at all these plans, it was absolutly impossible for me to work 'cause they usually just hire you for one or two months.
Even though I didn't send any CV because of this, I hung a paper in my village's shop which said 'I offer myself to work as a nanny or give extra support lessons'. I also put my phone number, but nobody called. Then one day I found out that my phone number was wrong! However, the cleaning lady told my mother if I could give school reinforcement classes to her grandson Sergi. I agreed and I taught him Spanish and Maths twice a week. When summer ended Sergi's mother asked me to continue the lessons. I didn't like it at all at the beginning 'cause I knew that I would have a lot of work because of Batxillerat, but I couldn't say no. Nevertheless, I said I just could give him a lesson per week.
Next summer is nearly here, and I haven't planned to go somewhere, so I'm searching for a job. I sent my CV to a camping and a hotel from Empuriabrava, but none of them has called me. There's also a possibility to work in the tennis club as a trainer of the younger trainees, but I still don't know. I really want to work this summer 'cause if I don't I'll be bored the whle day at home and this way I earbn some money.

dimarts, 28 d’abril del 2009

Godó days:)

Well, as you know, last Tuesday I went to Barcelona to the Godó (a tennis tournament). But, what you probably don't know is that I went there again on Sunday to see the final of the tournament between R.Nadal and D.Ferrer 'cause a friend of mine invited me.
Every year, my tennis club organizes an excursion to go to the tournament during one of the days it's taking place. We left at 9am from Figueres by bus, so we arrived there at 11am. Before entering in, we had the chance to meet Tommy Robredo, who had just arrived there. Luckily for us, we could tkae a photo with him (I don't have it yet).
We finally entered in and went for a walk looking round. We noticed which matches were taking place that day and the time they started. So, at that time was starting the first match of the day between Spepanek and Wawrinka. We saw it for a while and then we went to the central court were Nalbandian was playing against Almagro.
Then, Laura and me went for a walk again 'cause there are a kind of shops or advertisment places where they give you things such as caps, pens, postcards, pocket diaries... There was one where they let you taste water with lemon sensation and we went there many time 'cause it was really hot!haha
We went back to the first court where now was playing David Ferrer against P. Starace. There, while watching the match, we had lunch (some sandwiches we brought from home). I really like David Ferrer, so it was an interesting match for me.
After, we went to see Nadal's match at the central court. I have to say that he's not my favourite player, I have to accept that his game is excellent, though. However, it was not definetly a great match 'cause his rival wasn't so good so it was a little bit boring.
When Nadal's match finished we left, not before takin a nespresso, though. One of those "shops" I told you about was from Nespresso and they gave you free coffee, it was great!
We finally left at 6.30-7, and we wanted to arrive early 'cause it was st. George's day so we wanted to go to the 'avenue'. We got it!:)
Well, I'm not telling you how was everything on Sunday 'cause I think that you've got enough to read!haha I just tell you that I had R.Nadal and D.Ferrer at minus that one metre from me! The atmosphere there was fantastic and it was great to be able to enjoy an event like that, I loved it!
take care,

divendres, 10 d’abril del 2009

Making "brunyols".

As every year, on Wednesday I went to my grandma's house in Banyoles in order to make "brunyols". We do it every year during one of Easter Holidays' day.
My aunts make the dough in the morning 'cause it has to stand for long hours and at the same time its volume has to increase.
We usually arrive at Lunch's time, as well as the rest of the family do. Then we all have lunch which is made by my grdma so it's obvioulsy delicious!lool After having lunch we usually wath the tv, play on the computer or do something else until the dough is ready.
When the dough has increased enough, we go to the kitchen and start making "brunyols". Usually the young ones (me, my cousins...) are the ones who give form to the dough and the older ones (my mother, my aunts...) are those who cook them. Then there's also someone responsible for throwing some sugar and someone in charge of throwing a homemade liqueur on them.
Then it's just time to taste them!

Here are the ingredients you need to make them. I'm not telling you the procedure 'cause just my grndma has it so I don't exactly know it.

- flour
- eggs
- suggar
- yeast
- some water
- lemon peel
- butter
- oil
- milk
- homemade liqueur
- "matafaluga"

I always enjoy a lot the making "brunyols" day with all the family, it's a funny day:)

diumenge, 5 d’abril del 2009


I talked about Guillem, my older brother. So now it's time to tell you about Vicenç, the younger one, who's also very important for me.
He is nineteen, he's going to be twenty on 23 March, though. I still don't know if I'll give him a present or not. My birthday is on the 29 April, so if he gives me one, I'll do give him one; but if he doesn't, the most probably option, I won't. Nevertheless, maybe I'll do 'cause I know if he had time he would give me something and he's so good to me. So, if I have enough money to spend, maybe I'll buy him something 'cause I like buying clothes for him.
There are three years between us, so he's doing 2nd of a degree. He has always played football as a goalkeeper, he's very sportive, and he had always said he would like to study 'INEF'. However, he studied scientific-technological as I do and Guillem had done and he finally decided to study Industrial Engineering a
t the UPC (Universitat Politèncica de Catalunya) which is located in Barcelona. So he had to set off to Barcelona and now I remaind 'alone' at home. He's living in a students residence although he's going to move to a flat next year with some friends he has made there. In fact, I miss them on weekdays, there's too much silence at home!lol
Vicenç is really nice and attractive. He's funny, outgoing, extroverted and cheerful. He had a girlfriend for nearly three years but they finally splited up when he left to Barcelona. I don't know many things about his love life, but I have the feeling he's got a girlfriend in Barcelona. I'll have to investigate about it!lool

That's all for today, see you:)

dimarts, 24 de març del 2009


Today I'm going to tell you about one of my brothers, Guillem.
Today he is 21. I sent him a text message in the morning and I'm still waiting for his answer or just a lost call. Even though, I know him and I knew he wouldn't do that so I don't mind about it. There are four years between us, so our relationship is not as good as the one he has with Vicenç 'cause there is just one year between them. You can imagine, they've always gone together everywhere, Guillem's firends are Vicenç's friends, they exchange clothes... We used to fight when we were younger. Then ,when we where both studying in the high school, we got on so well. Nevertheless, when he left to Barcelona our relationship got poor and I don't like it. He studied scientific-technological batxillerat as I do. Then he set off to Barcelona to study Industrial Engineering. The firsts two years there he lived in a students' residence where he met the fours boys with who he's living now in a duplex apartment. Once, my parents were in a trip and he came home on Friday with two of the friends who live with him, Lucas (who's from Galícia) and Jaume (who's from Eivisa). They treated me perfectly, did me special dishes... It was a perfect weekend!lol I know he's my brother, but, sicerely, I've always thought he's so handsome!lol He usually can seem so stupid, we all know he just do it like to seem more important, though. When I have more fun with him is when we meet in parties and spend some time together, it's the only moment he explain me things about him and the way round.

diumenge, 15 de març del 2009

Last weekend

Helloo! It's time to start with 3rd term's posts. Today I'm going to tell you about last perfect weekend.
It was Albert's birthday on Monday and her girlfriend, Irene, was giving him a party on Friday. On Friday's afternoon, when I finished English classes, I went to buy some presents for him. Everyone had payed 5€, and I bought him a sweater, two t-shirts and a pair of underpants. Then I went to tennis training and we finally arrived at Irene's house at 9.45pm. We waited outside until Albert arrived at 10pm and then, when he had entered in, we rang the bell and he was really surprised. We had dinner there, we gave him the presents and then Laura, Nil, X.Ramos, Pere and I went to the Sikim for a while. It was a good night.
Then, on Saturday's afternoon I went to Figueres with Nuri. We were going shopping but we didn't have much time and I finally didn't buy anithing:( Nuri bought a jacket and a shirt.
At night, I had a dinner with my friends of Figueres. It had been the eighteenth birthday of one of them, Miki, and her girlfriend organised him a surprise party at the Sikim. I had to go with my boyfriend 'cause, in fact, Miki is a friend of him and I was going as a companion, but he couldn't come because he had the sound test of the following concert. However, I'm a good friend of all them. The dinenr was great, we were always drinking a toast to someone or something different. Then we all went to Castelló to see my boyfriend playing. There was a concert of 'Hot Penguins' (the group of my boyfriend) and 'Strombers'. Everything went perfectly and I finally went to sleep at 5.30am. That night was definetly amazing.
It'es enough for today, see you:)

diumenge, 1 de març del 2009


Hellooo:) today I'm going to explain you everything about last weekend's carnival.
On Friday the carnival was in Empuriabrava. Before going, I had a familiar dinner in Banyoles 'cause on Wednesday was my uncle's 50th birthday and we gave him surprise party in my grandma's house. He was really surprised when he entered in and saw the whole family (we were 35) there shouting. Everything was perfect, my cousin anounced us that she is going to get married on August and, what's more, I'm going to be one of the witness. I was euphoric, I was so delighted. Then, at 00.30am, I went home with my brothers 'cause we wanted to go to the carnival for a while. I finally arrived in Empuriabrava and danced until 2.45am.
Yesterday the carnival was in Castello. We had dinner all together in Laura's house, where we celebrated Roger's and Nil's birthday. We gave a t-shirt, a pair of underpants and necklace to Nil; and a rucksack, a pair of underpants and a bracelet to Roger.
Then we went to the parade around the village following our float. It was fantastic, we were dancing all the time and there were a lot of people. Claudia and me used to go up to the float and dance there. Then we finally arrived to the marquee and I started to meet a lot of people. I stayed for a while with my "boyfriend" and then I went inside to dance with my friends. The dancing finished at 4.00-4.30am and I finally went to sleep at 5 o'clock. I slept in my uncle's house 'cause this way I could go to sleep when I wanted and my parents didn't have to come for me. My borother Vicenç and a friend of him went with me 'cause he didn't have keys.
In conclusion, it's been a perfect weekend, but now it's time to study!lool
take care:)

New vocavulary learnt:
I was delighted-em va fer molta il·lusió

dijous, 26 de febrer del 2009

FRANKENSTEIN: the film vs the book

I'm going to tell you some of the differences I saw between the book and the film. I'm afraid I won't be able to put them all in the perfect order 'cause I don't remeber it very well.

- At the begining, the monster appears on a sledge in the book, while he is going by foot in the film.
- Justine's mother (whose name we don't know) just appears in the film, while Ernest (Vicor's youngest brother) just appears in the book.
- Victor's mother dies because of an illness in the book, and giving birth to Victor in the film.
- In the film the guardians hang a man who thinks that the doctors who are vaccuning everyone because there's an epidemic are liars. This don't happen in the book.
- In the film, they have a party when Victor goes to the university.
- While in the book Victor meets Henry during the infancy, in the film they meet in the university.
- Victor's teacher dies in the film, but he doesn't in the book.
- The experiment is not completly secret in the book, Henry and the teacher know about it.
- In the film the laboratory it's not in a far island like in the book.
- Victor doesn't go to the prison in the film.
- What does not happen in the book is that, the monster saves Felix from another man who hit him and then they enter to the house.
- In the film the monster doesn't save a girl from a river.
- There's no trial before hanging Justine in the film.
- While in the book the photo of William's chain is from Victor's mother, in the film is from Victor.
- Victor's father dies of sadness because of Elizabeth's death in the book, but he's killed by the monster in the film.
- In the film Victor finally cannot continue with the female monster because it was the Justine's body.
- In the book, the monster drown Elizabeth, while he pulls out her heart in the film.
- In the film, Victor wants to give life to Elizabeth again 'cause he can't stand beeing without her. Then she wakes up and realises that is like the monster, although she recognizes Victor. After she commites suicide.
- The monster burns himself near the Victor's dead body in the film.
- Henry doesn't die in the film.


Story: Toothache.

There couldn't have been a better time for Emma to get tootache! Today she had a really important date, although she didn't want to go. She had to meet her secret admirer, she knew who he was and she didn't like him, though. "He's awful" she said. Everything began a week before. Emma was surfing the internet when suddenly an 'anonymous' said hello to her. She aswered him back and they talked for a while. Then they got used to chat every day and Emma started to love 'anonymous', nevertheless she didn't know who he was. So they decided to meet on Friday. Emma explained it all to her best friend, who knew about 'anonymous' identity. When Emma knew it, everything fell down. He was the most ugly guy in high school. So then Emma didn't want to meet him and she was planning to tell him a lie. Fortunatly, Emma got toothache on Friday and she had no way to go to the meeting, as she had planned.

dilluns, 23 de febrer del 2009

Spaghetti with carbonara.

Today I'm going to tell you the recipe to do spaghetti with carbonara. I love them and when my parents are not at home it's the dish I usually cook 'cause it's not really difficult.

Ingredients (for 5 persons):
- 500g of spaghetti
- 500mL of cream fresh
- 300g of bacon
- two eggs
- some cheese (parmesan or grana padano)
- some oil
- salt

1.- Put some water in a pot (like a half of it). Then include a spoonful of oil and some salt on it.
2.- Put a pan on the stove and wait for a while for it to get hot.
3.- Throw the bacon on the pan and then, when it's "gold" include the cream fresh. Turn it over a low and stir.
4.- When the water boils, throw the spaghetti to the pot.
5.- Keep stiring the sauce and throw some cheese (as much as you feel like).
6.- Beat the eggs.
7.- Take the spaghettis out of the pot and put them on the pan with the sauce,
8.- Immediatly, throw the beated eggs to the pan and stir quickly.
9.- Finally you can eat them!

However there are lots of ways to cook carbonara, this is mine. I used to do it without egg, but one day my father tried it and we liked it.
I invite you to try it and tell me if it's good or not, although the answer will obviously be yes!lool
I hope you like it!

diumenge, 8 de febrer del 2009

Tennis club's renovation.

I know I talked about the tennis before, but know I'm concretly going to talk you about the renovation of my tennis club.
My tennis club (Club tennis Alt Empordà-Figueres) is in Figueres. It's near the hospital, the sports hall and next to the athletics court. Since I've been going there, when I was nine, everything has changed a little each year.
The firsts years everything was perfect, we could go to the tennis club perfectly, we did matches and we could train in the fourth courts. But everything started to change. There was a project to renovate the hospital and all that area, included the roads. Moreover, there was a problem in the third court, and nobody came to repare it during lots of months.
So, then we just had three courts, and the way to arrive to the club was wuite longer, 'cause we had to make a long detour, nevertheless is longer now.
Then they started another project, they battered down the swimmingpool next to the club to build a parking, so tehy also battered down our first court. Lucky us, the third court had finally been reapred. What's more, they went off our electricity, so we had to go to Peralada courts for some weeks.
The only positive thing is that, in these projects is included a renovation of our tennis club. Now they're reparing the three courts, 'cause we could train on them, but they were really old and thebounces were terrible. So now, since two weeks ago we're going again to Peralada to train. We meet our trainers in Figueres and they bring up us there and then my fathers comes to pick me up.
This renovation of the old courts is expected to be finished on April, although I think it's going to be on June....lool. After, when the parking will be finished they will build four more courts on the top of it, so it will be great. What a pity that when it all will be finished I'll probably be in the university..:(
One of the most negatives point of taht is that this course we haven't been able to do matches 'cause the tennis club was not in the right conditions.

dilluns, 19 de gener del 2009

My daily rutine.

Today I'm going to describe an ordinary day of my life. Concretly, I'm going to talk about my Fridays, 'cause I think that they're my most active days.
My father wakes me up at 7.15a.m, although I usually get up at 7.20a.m. Then I have a shower and I get dressed. After this I go downstairs to have breakfeast. I usually drink a white coffee and eat some biscuits. I finally go back upstairs to dry my hair up and brush my teeth. When I'm finally ready, between 7.45-7.50a.m, my father brings me to the school.
I do three classes and then we have a break, when I eat a sandwish that I've brough from home. Then I do two more classes until 1.25p.m, when my father comes for me and we go home. I usually watch the tv or do some English homework and then we have lunch.
I go to English from 4 o'clock to 5.15p.m. Then I meet Laura, a girl who comes with me to tennis and she also goes to the English academy, not to my class, though. Then we meet Iris, another tennis girl. Before going to train we often go to a cafe or for a walk in the city centre. We usually arrive to the tennis club at 6.30p.m and we train until 8.30p.m, when my father/mother picks me up.
When I arrive home I have a shower and after I have dinner with my parents, unless I have dinner with my friends. Then I usually go to the cinema.

see you:)

dimarts, 13 de gener del 2009

English Classes.

I've been doing English classes since I was nine years old. I've always gone to the same academy, the Cambridge School from Figueres. I chose this one (well, my parents!lool) 'cause I was living in Figueres and it's next to my old school. My brothers also went there until they moved to Barcelona.
I've always gone with a group of persons, usual 6 or 7, not always the same ones, though. I should say that I've done lots of good friends there, although the classes change every year (there's people who leave, new ones...). And not only firends, I met my "boyfriend" (I put it in inverted commas because we have and haven't been a couple, and know I don't know what we are!lool) there. Well, he went to the same school as me, but he's one year older so we didn't know each other. Now he's not going to the academy anymore.
During these years I've had lots of teachers, they're usual different every year. I think I've never had the same one two years in a row. Of course, there have been better and worse ones. One of my fovourites is called David. He's the brother of the head teacher, and he's really good on tecnollogy. I went with him last year, and I learned lots of things 'cause there were three persons who were going to do the FCE and we worked a lot with the digital blackboard. Another one of the bests teachers was Anna Martínez, who was in our high school last year. I had her two years ago.
Every year, in the academy, there are a voluntary examens called "The Trinities". There are different levels differentiated by numbers. I did one before doing the KET, but I don't remember which one was it.
I did the KET when I was in first of ESO and the PET when I was in third. Now I'm preparing to do the FCE. I'm supposed to do it on June. I'm quite afraid of it, but I'm going to work really hard because I want to pass it. On the other hand I'm also quite happy because, in the KET/PET I did the speaking part with a girl who I didn't know, but that's not going to happen with the FCE. Lucky me there's a girl in my class who's also doing it on June, and she's a good friend of mine, so we'll do the speaking part together. And that means that we'll be able to prepare it better.

that's all for today,
see youu:)

dijous, 8 de gener del 2009


Today I'm going to talk about some days of this last Christmas Holidays, concretly aobut the 24th and 25th of December.
The 24th of Decemebr I went to ski with my bather and one of my brotehrs, Vicenç. We went to La Molina and it was a perfect day 'cause, as it was de day before Christmas we were almost alone in the slopes. So it was great 'cause we didn't have to do any queues and you didn't find anybody in your way. What's more, it was sunny during all de day and the snow was perfect.
We arrived home at 7.30pm. We are used to go to my uncle's house (the brother of my mother) to celebrate the Christma's Eve. We have dinner there and then we "hit the log". My presents were a ski glasses, underwear...
On the 25th of December all the family "from father's part" meet in Banyoles, in my grandma's house. It's almost the only day when we all meet, 'cause we are a big family and it's really difficult that everybody can come. This year anybody was missing. Some of us have lunch there and then in the afternoon comes the rest of the family. When everybody is in, first of all the kids "hit the log" and then the older ones make the "false friend". I had to present to my father and I gave him a slippers. My brother did it to me and he gave me a pyjamas, I really liked it.


dimecres, 7 de gener del 2009

Chester meeting

The last 22nd of December I went to Barcelona to meet my friends from Chester 'cause I hadn't seem then since july. We decided to meet in Barcelona 'cause we are all from different places of Catalunya, so Barcelona is in the middle, and you can do lots of things there.
We were meeting at 12 o'clock in Catalunya's Square. First of all, I had to go by train, but as my brothers live and study in Barcelona, my parents also wanted to go to see them, so I finally went by car with them. There was a lot of traffic in the entrace of Barcelona, so I arrived quite late, at 12.30pm, everybody was waiting for meeee!lool
We decided to go to the Maremagnum, a big mall in the port, walking down the avenue. In the middle of the avenue, we started to see lots of journalists on the right. There was the lottery agency which had the winner number. After looking for a while this row we went on through the avenue to the port.
We finally arrived to the mall and we decided to go for lunch. We were about twenty, so we went to the Pans&Company 'cause it was almost the only place where we all fit. Then in the afternoon, we all divided 'cause everyone wanted to do different things, all in th mall, though. I went shopping with another girl, Alba, she is from Lleida. We both were searching a dress for the New Year's Eve. We went to all the shops of the mall and we didn't find any, though.
Then we all went back to Catalunya's Square through the avenue 'cause there was people who had to leave. Then, after a while, I met my parents and my brother and went home.
It was a really good day and, what's more, at night I went to the cinema with my friends from Figueres. It was definitly a completed day!