dilluns, 19 de gener del 2009

My daily rutine.

Today I'm going to describe an ordinary day of my life. Concretly, I'm going to talk about my Fridays, 'cause I think that they're my most active days.
My father wakes me up at 7.15a.m, although I usually get up at 7.20a.m. Then I have a shower and I get dressed. After this I go downstairs to have breakfeast. I usually drink a white coffee and eat some biscuits. I finally go back upstairs to dry my hair up and brush my teeth. When I'm finally ready, between 7.45-7.50a.m, my father brings me to the school.
I do three classes and then we have a break, when I eat a sandwish that I've brough from home. Then I do two more classes until 1.25p.m, when my father comes for me and we go home. I usually watch the tv or do some English homework and then we have lunch.
I go to English from 4 o'clock to 5.15p.m. Then I meet Laura, a girl who comes with me to tennis and she also goes to the English academy, not to my class, though. Then we meet Iris, another tennis girl. Before going to train we often go to a cafe or for a walk in the city centre. We usually arrive to the tennis club at 6.30p.m and we train until 8.30p.m, when my father/mother picks me up.
When I arrive home I have a shower and after I have dinner with my parents, unless I have dinner with my friends. Then I usually go to the cinema.

see you:)

dimarts, 13 de gener del 2009

English Classes.

I've been doing English classes since I was nine years old. I've always gone to the same academy, the Cambridge School from Figueres. I chose this one (well, my parents!lool) 'cause I was living in Figueres and it's next to my old school. My brothers also went there until they moved to Barcelona.
I've always gone with a group of persons, usual 6 or 7, not always the same ones, though. I should say that I've done lots of good friends there, although the classes change every year (there's people who leave, new ones...). And not only firends, I met my "boyfriend" (I put it in inverted commas because we have and haven't been a couple, and know I don't know what we are!lool) there. Well, he went to the same school as me, but he's one year older so we didn't know each other. Now he's not going to the academy anymore.
During these years I've had lots of teachers, they're usual different every year. I think I've never had the same one two years in a row. Of course, there have been better and worse ones. One of my fovourites is called David. He's the brother of the head teacher, and he's really good on tecnollogy. I went with him last year, and I learned lots of things 'cause there were three persons who were going to do the FCE and we worked a lot with the digital blackboard. Another one of the bests teachers was Anna Martínez, who was in our high school last year. I had her two years ago.
Every year, in the academy, there are a voluntary examens called "The Trinities". There are different levels differentiated by numbers. I did one before doing the KET, but I don't remember which one was it.
I did the KET when I was in first of ESO and the PET when I was in third. Now I'm preparing to do the FCE. I'm supposed to do it on June. I'm quite afraid of it, but I'm going to work really hard because I want to pass it. On the other hand I'm also quite happy because, in the KET/PET I did the speaking part with a girl who I didn't know, but that's not going to happen with the FCE. Lucky me there's a girl in my class who's also doing it on June, and she's a good friend of mine, so we'll do the speaking part together. And that means that we'll be able to prepare it better.

that's all for today,
see youu:)

dijous, 8 de gener del 2009


Today I'm going to talk about some days of this last Christmas Holidays, concretly aobut the 24th and 25th of December.
The 24th of Decemebr I went to ski with my bather and one of my brotehrs, Vicenç. We went to La Molina and it was a perfect day 'cause, as it was de day before Christmas we were almost alone in the slopes. So it was great 'cause we didn't have to do any queues and you didn't find anybody in your way. What's more, it was sunny during all de day and the snow was perfect.
We arrived home at 7.30pm. We are used to go to my uncle's house (the brother of my mother) to celebrate the Christma's Eve. We have dinner there and then we "hit the log". My presents were a ski glasses, underwear...
On the 25th of December all the family "from father's part" meet in Banyoles, in my grandma's house. It's almost the only day when we all meet, 'cause we are a big family and it's really difficult that everybody can come. This year anybody was missing. Some of us have lunch there and then in the afternoon comes the rest of the family. When everybody is in, first of all the kids "hit the log" and then the older ones make the "false friend". I had to present to my father and I gave him a slippers. My brother did it to me and he gave me a pyjamas, I really liked it.


dimecres, 7 de gener del 2009

Chester meeting

The last 22nd of December I went to Barcelona to meet my friends from Chester 'cause I hadn't seem then since july. We decided to meet in Barcelona 'cause we are all from different places of Catalunya, so Barcelona is in the middle, and you can do lots of things there.
We were meeting at 12 o'clock in Catalunya's Square. First of all, I had to go by train, but as my brothers live and study in Barcelona, my parents also wanted to go to see them, so I finally went by car with them. There was a lot of traffic in the entrace of Barcelona, so I arrived quite late, at 12.30pm, everybody was waiting for meeee!lool
We decided to go to the Maremagnum, a big mall in the port, walking down the avenue. In the middle of the avenue, we started to see lots of journalists on the right. There was the lottery agency which had the winner number. After looking for a while this row we went on through the avenue to the port.
We finally arrived to the mall and we decided to go for lunch. We were about twenty, so we went to the Pans&Company 'cause it was almost the only place where we all fit. Then in the afternoon, we all divided 'cause everyone wanted to do different things, all in th mall, though. I went shopping with another girl, Alba, she is from Lleida. We both were searching a dress for the New Year's Eve. We went to all the shops of the mall and we didn't find any, though.
Then we all went back to Catalunya's Square through the avenue 'cause there was people who had to leave. Then, after a while, I met my parents and my brother and went home.
It was a really good day and, what's more, at night I went to the cinema with my friends from Figueres. It was definitly a completed day!