dijous, 22 d’abril del 2010


The fact of finishing 2nd of batxillerat don't mean just leaving the high school but lots of things: chosing a degree, moving to another city, meeting new people... starting a new way of life.
At last I have decided to study Industrial Engineering at the UPC (universitat politècnica de catalunya). It is a varied degree where you do a little bit of everything and it has infinite professional opportunities. This might have been some of the characteristics that have finally convinced me. Everybody told me: "if you are not so sure it's better to study Industrial Engineering 'cause it's the most general one and then you can specialize in many things.
On the other hand there is the factor of living. In spite of not knowing anyone, I'm decided to go to a residence at least for the first year. I haven't chosen one yet, though. I have to confess that I'm quite afraid even though beeing determined.
Anyway, I'm sure this new way of life is going to be very postive. I already know I'll have to study a lot, but I'll try to have fun as well (I'm sure I will!loool).

dilluns, 19 d’abril del 2010

Emergency talks on air chaos

As the impact of the volcano Eyjafjallajoekull destructed flights in major Europe for fifth days, European transport ministers are looking for ways to bring stranded travellers back to their countries. For instance, the British Prime Minister Grodon Brown has displaced three Royal Navy ships to begin the rescue.
One of the proposals in discussion is using Spain as a gate hub into Europe. Mr Brown says the only way for thousands of people who need to get home from America and from Asia through by plane is to get to Spain and then use other forms to travel to Britain.

In my opinion, in this type of situations, is when the politicians have to show their skills. They have to make us think they're doing their best and feeling the solution is close. If now they get to work out all this air traffic chaos succesfully, people might think they'll be capable of resolving common problems. On the contrary, if the governments don't achieve to take everyone to his/her destination, people may refuse to think they'll do something positive. I think most of people is guided by this stuff. The problem is that this situation do not depends on the governments but to the nature. And this is what most people don't understand. They just want to arrive were they wanted though not thinking they could die on the way because of the ash.

[Resource: BBC News (video)]

dimecres, 14 d’abril del 2010

NZ man at strip club 'leaves baby in car'

A man left his one-year-old baby in a car while he was in a striptease club in Wellington (New Zeland). After seeing the unattended baby in the car, a passer-by took some action to make it save by alerting the police. The father was located in the club then arrested, and the baby was taken to the hospital by the police officers. Now the Child, Youth and Family agency has the custody of the baby for five days as long as they get in contact with the baby's family and decide on his future.

After reading this news, a question comes to my mind: how can there be such irresponsible people? I just can't understand how someone can leave his baby in the car then go calmly to a strip club. He was ONE-year-old!! What was his father thinking of? Something horrible could have happened. Luckily, someone who was passing-by saw the baby and cleverly, noticed the police about the situation. This man couldn't have done a better thing. This way the baby will surely be looked after by a much more competent person than his father. I hope he never have his custody again after what he did.

[Resource: Telegraph]

dilluns, 12 d’abril del 2010

Scientists discover 20 kidney disease genes

Researchers announced the identification of the genetic part (20 genes) of Chronic Kidney Disease. This discovery might help to the cause of kidney diseases and even overturn kidney disease treatments. It has been a great breakthrough, though Dr. Jim Wilson affirms more research need to be funded.

This is such a wonderful news, don't you think? This new discovery is just the first step forward in finding a cure for the disease. Nowadays the biotechnology is said to be the great power of the future, and here is the answer. Maybe now this 20 genes doesn't mean anything, they are just the beggining of a new discovery, though. Perhaps this 20 genes can't do anything to prevent the disease, but I'm sure they will be suitable for other things such as finding a better treatment. In conclusion, I think we have to celebrate this type of discoveries because they all will make our lifes better.

[Resourece: sort news]

diumenge, 11 d’abril del 2010

London report

divendres, 9 d’abril del 2010

Informal letter

Hello mummy and daddy!

It's been two weeks since I left and I have many things to tell you!
I'm sure you cannot imagine what life here is like... everything is totally different. I work everyday from 9am to 5pm. During all these days I've been able to know many people and the extrem poverty they live in. However, I really enjoy helping all those families and ill people. I trully feel myself useful.
Sometimes we go round the villages and give them some medicines. That's when I realize how poor life is here though the smile in their faces is so satisfactory.
As for me, I've met so many great people from the organisation. In fact, we are thinking of setting off together to R.D Congo as we have five days off!
Hope everything is fine at home, see you soon!


Blair Waldorf

dimecres, 7 d’abril del 2010

My plan - The Sunday Drivers

My plan is not to love you, / El meu pla no és estimar-te,
i've got better things to do. / tinc coses millors a fer.
My plan is just to do you. / El meu pla és tan sols donar-te
What you deserve to be done. / el que et mereixes.

All of my reflections / totes les meves refleccions
on our matter sound to you / sobre el nostre problema et sonen
like the initiation of new matters, / com l'inici de nous problemes,
is that true? / és veritat?

What do I have to do to be like you? / Què he de fer per ser com tu?

You can use the grammar, / Pots utilitzar la gramàtica,
is that the furthest you can go? / és això el més lluny que pots anar?
I can use unpleasant very nice words like you do. /Puc utilitzar boniques paraules desagradables com fas tu.

What do I have to do to be like you? / Què he de fer per ser com tu?
what do I have to do to be so cool? / Què he de fer per ser tan 'guai'?

My plan is not to love you, / El meu pla no és estimar-te,
i've got better things to do. / tinc coses millors a fer.
My plan is just to do you. / El meu pla és tan sols donar-te
What you deserve to be done. / el que et mereixes.

What do I have to do to be like you? / Què he de fer per ser com tu?
What do I have to do to be like you? / Què he de fer per ser com tu?
what do I have to do to be so cool? / Què he de fer per ser tan 'guai'?

I'm feeling like a bird that cannot fly/ Em sento com un ocell que no pot volar
I'm feeling like a bird that cannot fly/ Em sento com un ocell que no pot volar

My my my my plan is not to love you / El meu pla no és estimar-te,
I've got got got got better things to do you / tinc coses millors a fer.