Now I'm sudying first of scientific-technological batxillerat. I didn't know if study technoligical or technological mixed with scientific but I finally decided to study the mixed one.
I don't know exactly what I wanna be in the future but, one of my options is to study architecture. So, I don't know why I chose the mixed batxillerat if I want to study architrecture because now I don't do technical drawing, but I'm not sure if I'll be an architecture or I'll finally study an other thing. So, I was not really convinced of it, but I chose it because, as I don't know exactly what to study, this batexillerat is more "open".
Nevertheless, what I was sure of is to don't study social or arts batxilelrat. I like numbers and I don't like literature or history. If you study maths, you just have got to understand it and maybe memorize some formulas. On the other hand, if you study literature or history, you have to study really hard to remember lots of names or dates, and I don't like it.
So well, it's sure that I'll do a technological or scientific degree, and propably architecture or any engineering.
My both brothers are studying industrial engineering in Barcelona, and they both did the same batxillerat as me. The older (20), Guillem, living in a flat with his friends, and Vicenç, the younger one (19), is living in a residence, as Guillem had done.
I also want to study in Barcelona. I think that it's a fashion and a big city, and its universities are more popular. The first course I would like to live in a residence, 'cause you meet people and then you can go to live in a flat with the friends you have done there or conitue in the residence. However, most of my friends doesn't want to go to Barcelona, so I think it's better to go to a residence.
that's the last post of the first term! =)
see you!