- At the begining, the monster appears on a sledge in the book, while he is going by foot in the film.
- Justine's mother (whose name we don't know) just appears in the film, while Ernest (Vicor's youngest brother) just appears in the book.
- Victor's mother dies because of an illness in the book, and giving birth to Victor in the film.
- In the film the guardians hang a man who thinks that the doctors who are vaccuning everyone because there's an epidemic are liars. This don't happen in the book.
- In the film, they have a party when Victor goes to the university.
- While in the book Victor meets Henry during the infancy, in the film they meet in the university.
- Victor's teacher dies in the film, but he doesn't in the book.
- The experiment is not completly secret in the book, Henry and the teacher know about it.
- In the film the laboratory it's not in a far island like in the book.
- Victor doesn't go to the prison in the film.
- What does not happen in the book is that, the monster saves Felix from another man who hit him and then they enter to the house.
- In the film the monster doesn't save a girl from a river.
- There's no trial before hanging Justine in the film.
- While in the book the photo of William's chain is from Victor's mother, in the film is from Victor.
- Victor's father dies of sadness because of Elizabeth's death in the book, but he's killed by the monster in the film.
- In the film Victor finally cannot continue with the female monster because it was the Justine's body.
- In the book, the monster drown Elizabeth, while he pulls out her heart in the film.
- In the film, Victor wants to give life to Elizabeth again 'cause he can't stand beeing without her. Then she wakes up and realises that is like the monster, although she recognizes Victor. After she commites suicide.
- The monster burns himself near the Victor's dead body in the film.
- Henry doesn't die in the film.