Today he is 21. I sent him a text message in the morning and I'm still waiting for his answer or just a lost call. Even though, I know him and I knew he wouldn't do that so I don't mind about it. There are four years between us, so our relationship is not as good as the one he has with Vicenç 'cause there is just one year between them. You can imagine, they've always gone together everywhere, Guillem's firends are Vicenç's friends, they exchange clothes... We used to fight when we were younger. Then ,when we where both studying in the high school, we got on so well. Nevertheless, when he left to Barcelona our relationship got poor and I don't like it. He studied scientific-technological batxillerat as I do. Then he set off to Barcelona to study Industrial Engineering. The firsts two years there he lived in a students' residence where he met the fours boys with who he's living now in a duplex apartment. Once, my parents were in a trip and he came home on Friday with two of the friends who live with him, Lucas (who's from Galícia) and Jaume (who's from Eivisa). They treated me perfectly, did me special dishes... It was a perfect weekend!lol I know he's my brother, but, sicerely, I've always thought he's so handsome!lol He usually can seem so stupid, we all know he just do it like to seem more important, though. When I have more fun with him is when we meet in parties and spend some time together, it's the only moment he explain me things about him and the way round.
dimarts, 24 de març del 2009
Today he is 21. I sent him a text message in the morning and I'm still waiting for his answer or just a lost call. Even though, I know him and I knew he wouldn't do that so I don't mind about it. There are four years between us, so our relationship is not as good as the one he has with Vicenç 'cause there is just one year between them. You can imagine, they've always gone together everywhere, Guillem's firends are Vicenç's friends, they exchange clothes... We used to fight when we were younger. Then ,when we where both studying in the high school, we got on so well. Nevertheless, when he left to Barcelona our relationship got poor and I don't like it. He studied scientific-technological batxillerat as I do. Then he set off to Barcelona to study Industrial Engineering. The firsts two years there he lived in a students' residence where he met the fours boys with who he's living now in a duplex apartment. Once, my parents were in a trip and he came home on Friday with two of the friends who live with him, Lucas (who's from Galícia) and Jaume (who's from Eivisa). They treated me perfectly, did me special dishes... It was a perfect weekend!lol I know he's my brother, but, sicerely, I've always thought he's so handsome!lol He usually can seem so stupid, we all know he just do it like to seem more important, though. When I have more fun with him is when we meet in parties and spend some time together, it's the only moment he explain me things about him and the way round.
diumenge, 15 de març del 2009
Last weekend
Helloo! It's time to start with 3rd term's posts. Today I'm going to tell you about last perfect weekend.
It was Albert's birthday on Monday and her girlfriend, Irene, was giving him a party on Friday. On Friday's afternoon, when I finished English classes, I went to buy some presents for him. Everyone had payed 5€, and I bought him a sweater, two t-shirts and a pair of underpants. Then I went to tennis training and we finally arrived at Irene's house at 9.45pm. We waited outside until Albert arrived at 10pm and then, when he had entered in, we rang the bell and he was really surprised. We had dinner there, we gave him the presents and then Laura, Nil, X.Ramos, Pere and I went to the Sikim for a while. It was a good night.
Then, on Saturday's afternoon I went to Figueres with Nuri. We were going shopping but we didn't have much time and I finally didn't buy anithing:( Nuri bought a jacket and a shirt.
At night, I had a dinner with my friends of Figueres. It had been the eighteenth birthday of one of them, Miki, and her girlfriend organised him a surprise party at the Sikim.
I had to go with my boyfriend 'cause, in fact, Miki is a friend of him and I was going as a companion, but he couldn't come because he had the sound test of the following concert. However, I'm a good friend of all them. The dinenr was great, we were always drinking a toast to someone or something different. Then we all went to Castelló to see my boyfriend playing. There was a concert of 'Hot Penguins' (the group of my boyfriend) and 'Strombers'. Everything went perfectly and I finally went to sleep at 5.30am. That night was definetly amazing.
It'es enough for today, see you:)
Then, on Saturday's afternoon I went to Figueres with Nuri. We were going shopping but we didn't have much time and I finally didn't buy anithing:( Nuri bought a jacket and a shirt.
At night, I had a dinner with my friends of Figueres. It had been the eighteenth birthday of one of them, Miki, and her girlfriend organised him a surprise party at the Sikim.

It'es enough for today, see you:)
diumenge, 1 de març del 2009
Hellooo:) today I'm going to explain you everything about last weekend's ca

On Friday the carnival was in Empuriabrava. Before going, I had a familiar dinner in Banyoles 'cause on Wednesday was my uncle's 50th birthday and we gave him surprise party in my grandma's house. He was really surprised when he entered in and saw the whole family (we were 35) there shouting. Everything was perfect, my cousin anounced us that she is going to get married on August and, what's more, I'm going to be one of the witness. I was euphoric, I was so delighted. Then, at 00.30am, I wen
t home with my brothers 'cause we wanted to go to the carnival for a while. I finally arrived in Empuriabrava and danced until 2.45am.
Yesterday the carnival was in Castello. We had dinner all together in Laura's house, where we celebrated Roger's and Nil's birthday. We gave a t-shirt, a pair of underpants and necklace to Nil; and a rucksack, a pair of underpants and a bracelet to Roger.
Then we went to the parade around the village following our float. It was fantastic, we were dancing all the time and there were a lot of people. Claudia and me used to go up to the float and dance there. Then we finally arrived to the marq
uee and I started to meet a lot of people. I stayed for a while with my "boyfriend" and then I went inside to dance with my friends. The dancing finished at 4.00-4.30am and I finally went to sleep at 5 o'clock. I slept in my uncle's house 'cause this way I could go to sleep when I wanted and my parents didn't have to come for me. My borother Vicenç and a friend of him went with me 'cause he didn't have keys.
In conclusion, it's been a perfect weekend, but now it's time to study!lool
take care:)

Yesterday the carnival was in Castello. We had dinner all together in Laura's house, where we celebrated Roger's and Nil's birthday. We gave a t-shirt, a pair of underpants and necklace to Nil; and a rucksack, a pair of underpants and a bracelet to Roger.
Then we went to the parade around the village following our float. It was fantastic, we were dancing all the time and there were a lot of people. Claudia and me used to go up to the float and dance there. Then we finally arrived to the marq

In conclusion, it's been a perfect weekend, but now it's time to study!lool
take care:)
New vocavulary learnt:
I was delighted-em va fer molta il·lusió
I was delighted-em va fer molta il·lusió
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