dissabte, 28 de novembre del 2009

Brad and Angelina are $7 million givers

In 2008 Angelina Jolie, 34, and Brad Pitt, 45, gave $6.8 million to charities. That was the amount given to various groups through the philanthropically minded couple's Jolie-Pitt Foundation, which donated about half of the $13 million it raised last year to nonprofits like Global Health, Human Rights Watch, the Armed Services YMCA, and Pitt's own Make It Right Foundation, dedicated to rebuilding New Orleans. Another $1 million went to various causes in Cambodia, home country for their son Madox.

In my opinion, it's a nice thing that people like Brad Pitt and Angleina Jolie who win a huge amount of money give at least a part to people who need it more than them. I actually think it's not fair there're persons who win stratospheric amounts of money while there are people dying every day of hungry. Moreover, some of these persons don't work so hard to deserve those quantities of dollars. So from my point of view, all these rich people should give some money for charities, investigation,...whatever. It doesn't mind if it's just $100 or $100000 the important thing is to collaborate a little bit.

CNN, November 25

Are paper books dead?

Nowadays everything is beeing converted to digita. Even convetcional phtography has been removed by the digital cameras. It has also reached the paper books converting them into e-books, so traditional books will probably disapear.
I would say that, e-books are the future and the paper books will just be something to remember from the past.
By using these types of books there won't be as much as deforestation as there is today because of not needing paper.
Furthermore, books will be cheaper and easier to release. They're not so big and heavy that you can bring them with you anywhere and you can have more than one in the same kindle.
To sum up, I think that paper books will be dead in a few years and we cannot stop it.


Hi Sonia!
You asked us to write you about our dreams and our plans for the future so that's what I'll try to tell you. Well, as you know now I'm studying second of scientific-technologic batxillerat because I'd like to study a degree in the university. However, I still don't know what I'm going to study in a year. I doubt between many degrees such as architecture, industrial engineering or chemical engineering but I don't get to choose one!lol I suppose I'll do it all over this year dependig on the subjects I like the most. Despite of those doubts, what I know for sure is that, whatever degree I study, I'll do it in Barcelona. I love this city! I'd like to go to a residence for one or two years and then move to a flat. Another thing I'd like to do in the future is go to study abroad in an english-speaking country if possible. I do like english and I think that this is one of the bests way to improve it at the same time you have fun.
Well, those are some of my plans for the nexts years, I hope it's enough:)
see you!

dimarts, 24 de novembre del 2009


1. What are human rights?
Human right are basic rights and freedoms to which all humans are entitled.

2. When did human rights start?

They started the 10th of December of 1948.

3. Why were they created?
They were created because during the Second Worl War lots of people died and most of them were treated as not beeing persons. So the United Nations created them in order to sinish with this kind of violence to people.

4. How many human rights are there?
There are 30 human rights.

5. Which human right were you not familiar with?
I wasn't familiar with the article 15:
(1) Everyone has the right to a nationality.
(2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality.

6. Choose one human right and discuss:


No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.

- Is it fully respected in your country today? Justify with news, comments, studies on the subject (cite the links of your information sources).
This human right is actually not respected at all in our country 'cause there're still many kidnappings. We can see it many days in the news:
On the other hand, most of detentions are previously determined by a judge or the police. Moreover, disccovered kidnappers are definitly jailed.

- Do you know if it has been respected in the past? Why or why not? Thi human right was not respected in the pass. There were many people who had to exile to other countries because they where persecuted. In the whole history and still nowadays there's been many people who have arrested agaist their whishes and treated as inferiors.

-Where in the world is this right not complied with? In most underdeveloped coutries this human rright is to complied.

7. Are Humans rights
relevant in the world today? why?
do think that human rights are relevant in the world today, especially in the deveploped countries such as Europe and North America. They're actually creating new laws in favour to the human rights.

dilluns, 23 de novembre del 2009

Once when I was little - James Morrison

I was the one who would always jump in first
/ Jo era el que sempre solia saltar primer
I didn't think twice to look behind / No pensava dues vegades mirar enrere
Got such a good feeling just from playing in the dirt / Em sentia tan be tan sols jugant entre la porqueria
Once, when I was little / Una vegada, quan era petit

We could build a rocket, fly to the moon / Podiem construir un coet, volar fins la lluna
Leave Tuesday morning, and be back for noon / Marxàvem dimarts al matí i al migdia ja tornàvem
There wasn't nothing, nothing that we couldn't do / No hi havia res, res que no poguéssim fer
Once, when I was little / Una vegada, quan era petit
Once, when I was little / Una vegada, quan era petit

Yeah I could dream more then / Llavors podia somiar més
I could believed more then / podia creure més
That the world could only get better / que el món només podia millorar
I could be free more then / podia ser més lliure
I could pretend more then / podia fingir més
That this life could only show me good times / que aquesta vida només tindria bons moments
Once, when I was little / Una vegada, quan era petit

There was a time when I trusted everyone / Llavors jo confiava en tothom
There was no place I would not go / hauria anat a tot arreu
Spend all day on the hillside next to the barely mow / em pasava tot el dia a la muntanya envoltat per l'herba
Oh once, when I was little / Una vegada, quan era petit
Yeah once, when I, I was little / Una vegada, quan era petit

Yeah I could dream more then / Llavors podia somiar més
I could believed more then / podia creure més
That the world could only get better / que el món només podia millorar
I could be free more then / podia ser més lliure
I could pretend more then / podia fingir més
That this life could only show me good times / que aquesta vida només tindria bons moments
Once, when I was little / Una vegada, quan era petit

I used to feel so strong / Em sentia fort
Even when they tell me, tell me I was wrong / fins hi tot quan em deien que estava equivocat,
That I can't live in a magic world / que no puc viure en un món perfecte
Cause it's time for me to grow up
/ ja que és temps de fer-me gran
That I got to be like the rest of them / i he de ser igual que els altres
Well, I know things have been lost / de fet sé que s'ha perdut tot.

I could pretend more then / Llavors podia fingir més
and I could belive more then / i podia creure més
that the world could only get better/ que el món només podia millorar

Oh, I could belive more then, yes I could / Podia creure més llavors, itan que podia
And I could pretend more then / i podia fingir més
That this life could only show me good times / que aquesta vida només tindria bons moments
Once when I was little / Una vegada, quan era petit

So here comes the next one, next in line / I aquí ve una nova època
Stay as young as you can, for the longest time / Manten-te jove com puguis
Cause those days flew by / Perquè aquells dies se'n van anar
Like a breeze just passing through / com la brisa
Once, when I was littl / Una vegada, quan era petit

Social Networks



We used an attractive power point focused on our topic in order to support our oral explanation. We wanted to break the ice in a different way so we decided to start the presentation with a dialogue related to the topic. I actually think that this was a great idea! However, the timing wasn't so good. The presentation should have lasted more and I ought to have spoken slowlier.
Body language&eye contact-9
I looked at the audience most of time except during the dialogue, when I stared on Clàudia. I almost didn't read from my notes and I did many gestures with my hands, but I think I should have done more. I was quite nervous and tense that I just said quickly what I had to and didn't think in the rest.
In my opinion the structure of the presenation was okay. Moreover, we did a dialogue as introduction to change the usual beggining. I used many discourse markers such as then, first, secondly...
I realize that the worst fault of our presentation is that we didn't introduce any new information. The audience already knew what we explained.
As for the language, I think that we used correct grammar and rich and varied vocabulary. We actually looked for some synonims. We also used lots of sentence connectors (e.g:moreover, what's more, also, nevertheless...). Furthermore, I used many fillers such as well.
From my point of view, my pronunciation was correct and completly comprhensible.I think I spoke in a fluid continuum.

So finally, if I were the teacher I would get an 8.3.

Twilight review

This romantic-fantasy film was released in 2008 and it was one of the films which grossed more money. It is a wondeful story of a girl called Bella and a vampire called Edward. This is actually the first part of three movies.
Bella moves to live with his father in Folks (Washington state) were she used to spend a month each summer. There she meets nice people in the high school and she's intrigued by the misterious Cullen's family. She sits next to Edward cullen in biology class and he seems to be disgusted by her. One day she is nearly to strucked by a van but Edward runs toward her and stops the van with his hand. Then Bella starts wondering many things about him and finds out that he is a vampire although he only consumes animal blood. From this time on, they start beeing really good friends and they finally fall in love. Edward introduces Bella to his vampire family and one day they go to play a baseball match. In the meantime, there have appeared two dead people who seems to be killed by an animal. (we saw until here)
I really liked this film. It's interesting the fact that a normal girl goes out with a vampire and they maintain such a good relationship. On the other hand you feel intrigued by the deaths around the town and that keeps you interested in it.
I didn't like the soundtrack. I think it was so simple and they could have included much more better songs in such a film.
Finally, I definetly recommend you to go and watch it 'cause it's fantastic and i'm sure you'll pass a great time.
Star Rating: ***worth seeing, brilliant.

diumenge, 15 de novembre del 2009

Why is Friday the 13th unlucky?

Friday the 13th has traditionally been when the superstitious take extra care and double check everything they do. They also consider unlucky to open an umbrella indoors or walk under a ladder.
Are you superstitious?

I'm definetly not superstitious. Actually, I think that everything is up to your mind. If you think that Friday the 13th in going to be an unlucky day, it will. On the other hand, if you don't know it's Friday the 13th it will just be an ordinary day as any other. Something unlucky can happen to you every day. Haven't something unlucky happened to you and it wasn't Friday the 13th?
From my point of view it's all phsycological. You just have to order your mind and think positively. Then everything will go as it has to whether it's Friday the 13th or have passed under a ladder.

bbc news, november 15

diumenge, 1 de novembre del 2009

More plastic surgery for Gwyneth Paltrow?

In the past, Gwyneth was likely to have had a job nose and a breast augmentation in order to enhace her career. Now 37, there are many suspicions she has had rejuvenation procedures, such as facelift combined with injectables.
Some surgeons said that she is a beautiful woman blessed with great genes so that it was not the result of a facelift. They suggested she probably had injected some Botox around her face to make it appear smooth. Nevertheless, there was a surgeon who said that she looked altered, tighter than before, so it indicated a facelifht and injection.

In my opinion, we might not be that obssesed by plastic surgery. Why can't somebody remain beautiful in his/her forty's? We should accept ourselves as they are 'cause it's just natural to become older and have wrinkles.
On the other hand, there can be people who remain young and seem to have had plastic surgery but the haven't. This is just beeing lucky, but you have to accept yourself anyway.
The aim of plastic surgery is just making money, so they'll always find any defect on you 'cause they just want to earn a great amount of money.

makemeheal, November 6