dilluns, 29 de març del 2010

Apple iPad sells 300,000 on debut

On its launch day in the US, Apple says they sold more than 300,000 of its latest product. The iPad will be available in other countries such as Canada, Australia and some parts of Europe (european prices have not been anounced yet) by the end of April. The first genration model of the product has wi-fi though not 3G connectivity. According to Apple iPad users downloaded more than 250.000 e-books and more than one million applications from its store. On the other hand, taking reports into considerations, queues for the new iPad were quite smaller than the crowds which accumulated for the iPhone's lauch day.

As Steve Jobs said, is iPad going to be a game changer?
The iPad is not a laptop or computer neither a mobile phone. It's just something different. So this is probbably the reason why it is having such a demand.
In my opinion it is going to be a game changer in the way that it is another way to be connected to the net whenever you want. It's not like a laptop which you have to turn on and turn off. The iPad is a new abbility to be always connected. Moreover, its dimensions make it perfect to bring it with you wherever.
Nevertheless, I think it's not going to have such an impact as the iPhone had. From my point of view, people who already bought an iPhone won't be likely to buy an iPad.
[Resource: BBC News]