diumenge, 28 de febrer del 2010
Don't tell me that it's over - Amy Macdonald
Tell me why this world is a mess / Explica'm perquè aquest món és un desastre
I thought you always tried your best / Pensava que tu sempre intentaves fer el millor
Tell me what I’m ought to do / Diga'm què he de fer
Maybe you should do it too / Potser tu també ho has de fer
Tell me why they’re sleeping alone / Explica'm perquè estan dormint sols
No house no where to call a home / Cap casa cap lloc per trucar alguna casa
Tell me what I’m meant to see / Diga'm què he de veure
Won’t you stop preaching at me / No parars de 'donarme la tabarra'
And I wanna see what it’s all about / Vull veure de què va tot
And I wanna live, wanna give something back / i vull viure, vull tornar alguna cosa
Don’t tell me that it’s over / No em diguis que s'ha acabat
It’s only just begun / Tot just acaba de começar
Don’t tell me that it’s over / No em diguis que s'ha acabat
Or that this song is sung / o que aquesta cançó ja ha sigut cantada
The song is sung / la cançó ja ha sigut cantada
All the money in the world / Tots els diners del món
Would never slit all the wrongs to right / mai farien que el que és dolent fos bo
All the fire in the world / Tot el foc que hi ha al món
Would never set my heart alive / mai posaria el meu cor en vida
I dream of a day when it’s all gone away / Somio amb el dia que tot ha marxat
And the sun is shining bright / i el sol brilla amb molta força
I dream of a day when it’s all gone away / somio amb el dia que tot ha marxat
But dreams are for night / però els somnis són per la nit
And I wanna see what it’s all about / Vull veure de què va tot
And I wanna live, wanna give something back / i vull viure, vull tornar alguna cosa
Don’t tell me that it’s over / No em diguis que s'ha acabat
It’s only just begun / Tot just acaba de começar
Don’t tell me that it’s over / No em diguis que s'ha acabat
Or that this song is sung / o que aquesta cançó ja ha sigut cantada
The song is sung / la cançó ja ha sigut cantada
Don’t tell that it’s over / No em diguis que s'ha acabat
Please I’m on my knees I’m beggin you to stop / sisplau, m'estic agenollant pregan-te que paris
It’s over please I’m on my knees I’m beggin you to stop / s'ha acabat sisplau, m'estic agenollant pregan-te que paris
And I wanna see what it’s all about / Vull veure de què va tot
And I wanna live, wanna give something back / i vull viure, vull tornar alguna cosa
Don’t tell me that it’s over / No em diguis que s'ha acabat
It’s only just begun / Tot just acaba de começar
Don’t tell me that it’s over / No em diguis que s'ha acabat
Or that this song is sung / o que aquesta cançó ja ha sigut cantada
The song is sung / la cançó ja ha sigut cantada
dilluns, 15 de febrer del 2010
Haiti charity single top UK charts
Stars such as Leona Lewis, Kylie Minogue, Robbie Williams or Take That covered the REM's Everybody Hurts in order to help Haiti's earthquake victims. Organised by Simon Cowell, 453000 copies has already been sold notching up the biggest first week sales. Proceeds will be divided between the Disasters Emergenvy Comitee and The Sun newspaper's Helping haiti Campaign.
In my opinion it's so nice from the singers who collaborated recording the hit and the thousands of persons who have bought it. Everybody would like to be helped if such a horrible tragedy as the Haiti's earthquake happened to him so we have to now that happened to them. In fact, many fact have been hols so as to recollect money for Haiti. I think that this one concretly is a fantastic way of recollecting money for reconstructing the country and treating the injured persons. Lots of people died so now it is about to take care of the ones who survived.
In my opinion it's so nice from the singers who collaborated recording the hit and the thousands of persons who have bought it. Everybody would like to be helped if such a horrible tragedy as the Haiti's earthquake happened to him so we have to now that happened to them. In fact, many fact have been hols so as to recollect money for Haiti. I think that this one concretly is a fantastic way of recollecting money for reconstructing the country and treating the injured persons. Lots of people died so now it is about to take care of the ones who survived.
[Resource: BBC news, 14 February 2010]
diumenge, 14 de febrer del 2010
Undergraduate Math Problems
I used a power point as a resource which was focused on the topic and actually supported my oral presentation, especially when I explained the problems. The timing was fine, between 5 and 10 minutes.
Body language&eye contact-8
Although I looked at the audience most of the time, I think I looked too much to the screen. I suppose it's because you feel more secure as some clues are writen in the power point. I didn't even have my notes so I didn't read from them. As for the gestures, I did lots with my hands, I can't avoid it!lol
I did a little introduction explaining the objectives and the structure of the project for them to know what it was about and not to lose during the presentation. I actually used many discourse maekers such as firstl of all, secondly, at last, then, finally... I think that my conclusions were clear. Content-40
Obvioulsy, the information I introduced to the audience was new, detailed and extensive. I think that the overall message was clear.
In my opinion the grammar was correct and the vocabulary was quite rich and varied. I looked for synonims, technical words and topic-related expressions. I used many connectors (moreover, also, furthermore, nevertheless, despite of, yet....) and some fillers (well, so, right, I mean...) Pronunciation&Intonation-8
I think that my pronunciation was comprehensible and my tone of voice was fine. Maybe I ought to have spoken more fluidly.
So finally if I were the tacher I would get a 91.
Undergraduate amth problems
View more presentations from julia8_29.
I used a power point as a resource which was focused on the topic and actually supported my oral presentation, especially when I explained the problems. The timing was fine, between 5 and 10 minutes.
Body language&eye contact-8
Although I looked at the audience most of the time, I think I looked too much to the screen. I suppose it's because you feel more secure as some clues are writen in the power point. I didn't even have my notes so I didn't read from them. As for the gestures, I did lots with my hands, I can't avoid it!lol
I did a little introduction explaining the objectives and the structure of the project for them to know what it was about and not to lose during the presentation. I actually used many discourse maekers such as firstl of all, secondly, at last, then, finally... I think that my conclusions were clear. Content-40
Obvioulsy, the information I introduced to the audience was new, detailed and extensive. I think that the overall message was clear.
In my opinion the grammar was correct and the vocabulary was quite rich and varied. I looked for synonims, technical words and topic-related expressions. I used many connectors (moreover, also, furthermore, nevertheless, despite of, yet....) and some fillers (well, so, right, I mean...) Pronunciation&Intonation-8
I think that my pronunciation was comprehensible and my tone of voice was fine. Maybe I ought to have spoken more fluidly.
So finally if I were the tacher I would get a 91.
dimarts, 9 de febrer del 2010
formal letter
Muntaner avenue, 29
Barcelona, SPAIN
Barcelona, SPAIN
Abbey road, 18
London, UK
London, UK
15th of January of 2010

Dear Mr Clooney,
I am writing to you so as to express my point of view related to the global warming and suggest some things I wolud do to preserve our planet.
Firstly, I would like my children to inherit a healthy planet where I was sure they could enjoy their lives without any worry. So I wonder, what should we do to stop the climate change and its consequences?
Let me say that, in my opinion, one of the most importants facts is that all the politicians reach an agreement about this serious topic. Those climate summits are not worth if you do not any decision but discuss.
I think that recycling should be compulsory, and all the objects which send toxical emissions to the air ought to be forbidden.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Lily Humphry
I am writing to you so as to express my point of view related to the global warming and suggest some things I wolud do to preserve our planet.
Firstly, I would like my children to inherit a healthy planet where I was sure they could enjoy their lives without any worry. So I wonder, what should we do to stop the climate change and its consequences?
Let me say that, in my opinion, one of the most importants facts is that all the politicians reach an agreement about this serious topic. Those climate summits are not worth if you do not any decision but discuss.
I think that recycling should be compulsory, and all the objects which send toxical emissions to the air ought to be forbidden.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Lily Humphry

dilluns, 1 de febrer del 2010
Gossip Girl

I had heard some comments from my cousin saying it was a great series so when it was released in tv I started watching it and truly liked it. However, few chapters were broadcasted so I started watching them on the interent. I must confess I rapidly became addicted!lool They're now in the third season but the final chpaters will be released on march so I'll wait eagerly!
It shows how exclusive the life is in the Manhattan's Upper East Side. The plot is centred in some of the most powerful families of the city (the Van der Woodsens, the Basses, The Archibalds...) and some outsiders from Brooklyn (the Humphries).
In my opinion this is one of the best series I've ever seen. As the title says, there always many gossips which make characters go furious or, on the other hand, reconciliate. They are always going on brunches, posh parties, cotillions... It's like the perfect life we always dream at least once. I suppose this is the fact that makes me like it. They all always look perfect and fashion. I wish I ahd they're wardrobe!lool What's more, they live in New York, the city I wanted to go!!
This is the phrase with which all the chapters start (I know it by heart!!:D):
"Gossip Girl here, your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan's elite. And who am I? That's a secret I'll never tell, you know you love me, xoxo, Gossip Girl."
Here is one of the best scenes (last chapter - season 2):
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